What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (6 Viewers)

Thanks Louis as to have my model favourably compared to those of Tony Williams must be the ultimate compliment. In actual fact the only way I was able to create the awkward front landing gear was to study a number of Tony's Blériot models to see if I could find a way to copy them without soldering. In the end luck was with me on this one.
Great looking display. A few years ago I visited both the Rhodes and Malta visiting the Knights strongholds amongst other delights, Both islands having fantastic museums detailing their history. Malta just getting the prize with so much to see, though if you fancy time to relax on a beach as well, then Rhodes takes the prize !
I love you pictures P n P, great collection
After a bit of a time away from collecting, I picked up the TG Winter German breakfast club. I absolutely love TG’s winter Germans and I’m eagerly awaiting more!
I found these on EBAY Germany a while ago. The size is about Heyde size. Like them a lot as it is interesting to see how the maker worked with tin plate an cast pieces. Great potential to play with.

Managed to post my first photos with the forum style - rather impressed, worked well and easy !!!

The latest additions to my Napoleonic collection - a versatile civilian (MK231 "The Country Maid") and the emperor himself (NA512 "Napoleon as Colonel of the Imperial Guard"). Both are by K&C. They look great with some of K&C's Old Guard and foot dragoons to keep them company.


Got these today. All Elastolin 75mm pre 1945, the nurse is most likly an unmarked Duro Figurine from Begium.
In case you are interested in where I got these I allow myself to direct you to this brilliant new


Picked up these, the K & C BotB British are excellent and needed them to complete my BotB British and the Comet.

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