What's next on your K&C hit list? (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Ever thought you had certain figures in your collection and when you went and had a look you actually didn't have them at all? This happened to me with all three of the recently retired RAF figures, felt sure I had all of them.......wrong!:rolleyes2: So I'll be getting those in London.

Meantime my hit list includes the rest of the P series Arnhem figures, just have three so far, once they are complete I can get started on the Commandos.

After that I must start thinking of getting the Valentine and Stuart.

So whats next on your list from K&C guys?

Ever thought you had certain figures in your collection and when you went and had a look you actually didn't have them at all? This happened to me with all three of the recently retired RAF figures, felt sure I had all of them.......wrong!:rolleyes2: So I'll be getting those in London.

Meantime my hit list includes the rest of the P series Arnhem figures, just have three so far, once they are complete I can get started on the Commandos.

After that I must start thinking of getting the Valentine and Stuart.

So whats next on your list from K&C guys?


The Russian BA-64 and Russian soldier arrive tomorrow. And I too still have a desert Valentine and Canadian M3A3 Stuart next at the top of the list. I think both are well done tank models.

I'm thinking some Crimean stuff. I would also love to get at least one of the latest Napoleonic French cuirassiers. (The new Nap British cavalry looks really great too, going to be hard to resist getting one.) And it's not K&C, but would like a new John Jenkins WW1 plane, preferrably Nungesser's Neuport.
Some more paras and Bedouins from the Lawrence series.
some more of the older Knights and Saracens. Until now I have 61 of them in my collection and I am trying to get them all :D
I have a lot of the more recent releases to catch up with: a few P MG's, a few new Para's, all the Commandos, the Russian BA-64 and both soldiers surrendering, the new BBG Germans and the winter Pz-IV. Just not sure how my credit card will catch up with this order pipeline... {sm4}{sm4}
Just looking to catch up with the Australian Light Horse. I think some of them are going to have to make an appearance under the Christmas Tree.
WWII Russians surrendering and wounded/ Majority of the new grey German figures for starters !
EVERYTHING {sm3} .....or at least it feels that way. Seriously though with everything so expensive these days I collect fewer pieces and unfortunately have to be very selective. Gone are the days of collecting lots of pieces in many lines.

These days I'm trying to catch up with older releases. Currently on the top of my buy list are OMG paras both old ( need the jumping parachutists just don't know where to put them ) and some new (P) ones. Next are D-Day items like the 25pdr and truck, Stuart, Valentine, Humber armoured car, some Tommie's, a variety of German AFV,s, and ground troops, Napoleonic British cavalry, some Crusaders, a variety of RAF and USAAF figures, and......and........and.........my goodness that's a monstrous list and every month that evil genius in Hong Kong grows my list. :cool:
Nothing that's the joy off collecting king and country no pressure buying, no limited realeses means no pressure.
EVERYTHING {sm3} .....or at least it feels that way. Seriously though with everything so expensive these days I collect fewer pieces and unfortunately have to be very selective. Gone are the days of collecting lots of pieces in many lines.

These days I'm trying to catch up with older releases. Currently on the top of my buy list are OMG paras both old ( need the jumping parachutists just don't know where to put them ) and some new (P) ones. Next are D-Day items like the 25pdr and truck, Stuart, Valentine, Humber armoured car, some Tommie's, a variety of German AFV,s, and ground troops, Napoleonic British cavalry, some Crusaders, a variety of RAF and USAAF figures, and......and........and.........my goodness that's a monstrous list and every month that evil genius in Hong Kong grows my list. :cool:

That list looks like a collection in itself :wink2: :salute::
I think I would have to go with Nothing also! I never collected items that came out straight away in the first place I always looked at older models that were either going to be discon or were in discon or older on the secondary market.

Just whatever next takes my fancy will be added to the collection
EVERYTHING {sm3} .....or at least it feels that way. Seriously though with everything so expensive these days I collect fewer pieces and unfortunately have to be very selective. Gone are the days of collecting lots of pieces in many lines.

These days I'm trying to catch up with older releases. Currently on the top of my buy list are OMG paras both old ( need the jumping parachutists just don't know where to put them ) and some new (P) ones. Next are D-Day items like the 25pdr and truck, Stuart, Valentine, Humber armoured car, some Tommie's, a variety of German AFV,s, and ground troops, Napoleonic British cavalry, some Crusaders, a variety of RAF and USAAF figures, and......and........and.........my goodness that's a monstrous list and every month that evil genius in Hong Kong grows my list. :cool:

That's the joy of collecting this brand CFM, always so much to choose from. But with a list like that at least you know you can't go wrong mate! The RAF /Arnhem and D Day ranges are those that I try to buy all the items from .I too am behind on the Arnhem and D Day but when I pick those three RAF pilots up in London I will be up to date on that range at least. It is fun having such a wealth of choice, makes it a very enjoyable hobby:smile2::salute::

Don't get me wrong i have a list a mile long,but i don't think i can resist getting these when they come out,great great sets.

Im with you on this one mate, already on order!

Ever thought you had certain figures in your collection and when you went and had a look you actually didn't have them at all? This happened to me with all three of the recently retired RAF figures, felt sure I had all of them.......wrong!:rolleyes2: So I'll be getting those in London.

Meantime my hit list includes the rest of the P series Arnhem figures, just have three so far, once they are complete I can get started on the Commandos.

After that I must start thinking of getting the Valentine and Stuart.

So whats next on your list from K&C guys?


For me it's just a couple of Crimean soldiers to complete the whole first release.{sm3}
I've spent the last few months buying all the Crimean first release and some doubles on eBay at amazingingly low prices.
They look fantastic all displayed together. Great series. ^&cool
I've learnt to be patient and wait for K&C bargains on eBay. :)
I have no idea how long I'm going to have to wait for the second series to appear on eBay though{sm4}.
For me it's just a couple of Crimean soldiers to complete the whole first release.{sm3}
I've spent the last few months buying all the Crimean first release and some doubles on eBay at amazingingly low prices.
They look fantastic all displayed together. Great series. ^&cool
I've learnt to be patient and wait for K&C bargains on eBay. :)
I have no idea how long I'm going to have to wait for the second series to appear on eBay though{sm4}.

I will have to get this spell check fixed:redface2:
For me it's just a couple of Crimean soldiers to complete the whole first release.{sm3}
I've spent the last few months buying all the Crimean first release and some doubles on eBay at amazingingly low prices.
They look fantastic all displayed together. Great series. ^&cool
I've learnt to be patient and wait for K&C bargains on eBay. :)
I have no idea how long I'm going to have to wait for the second series to appear on eBay though{sm4}.

Hi Paul,

I do agree re the Crimean, absolutely superb series with some of the best mounted figures K&C have produced in my view.The new series is also very nice and if I had the spare cash I'd be in. Good luck with the hunt for those last sets you need!

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