I'm not sure what the point is you're trying to prove with these pictures, specifically the first one..............if this is a szie comparison between 21st Century and 21st Century Cold Steel versions, the tank on the top is clearly not side by side with the tank on the bottom, one appears longer than the other but in fact it it not? Color me confused.
Also, you're saying not all the Cold Steel tanks were 1/30th scale, just the two you have? Again, I'm confused.
Going back to a point I made yesterday; I don't think 21st Century would invest in new molds and tooling and make the Cold Steel versions larger than the original versions as again, those who collected the first run would not be happy that the second run versions are larger, it makes no sense from a cost or consumer standpoint.
After viewing all these posts and pictures with measurements and rulers and calculations, I need to go lay down in a dark room, my head is spinning.........^&confuse