Sorry to be rude; had to sleep, and then the dawn service etc. Goodness all that post-age...uh...addressed by name---but, it seems it will take a little longer than 5 minutes Mitch---perhaps a reference might help...?
Again; the rules of the market - burn your customers at your peril; conversely: if business is booming then you ain't burning's not lawyer stuff; it's maths. If you have a personal beef with someone or want to project some dislike for imagined (mis)representation, then this very public forum is probably not the right place. I'm not a lawyer but most of us have to work within the Privacy Act of whatever state we're in, and a forum that offers access to 7 Billion people is hardly private. It's a tad churlish.
Rules of Grammar (King's English) - a strange language bastardised from most other European languages (except Basque, which is unique) - literally a works-in-progress - However, the word "You" has both singular and plural usage; the singular is usually contextualised by a secondary indicator such as a name, which is my understanding. The last time you accused me (by name) of "implying" something about you personally, I had not used your name for the very simple reason that I was not addressing you - it's the King's English after all. I simply assumed then by your very personal response that you assumed you were the only person on the forum to be so addressed, and I thought it a strange response as I don't even know you. And you don't know me or you would know how funny is that accusation. So one to you for convoluted humour.
Rules of the forum - yes, we have to be connizant of these rules, and yes, it tends to skew the speech a little; but then you say yourself that this is required to avoid deletion or censorship. So why keep harping on it?