"Look you guys in the North - "Don't Get It" from a southern perspective - plain and simple. And to dismiss us Southerners with "Oh how disappointing" or "It is Sad" - that is a bit over the top as well."
See Ron, here is a case of YOU not getting it. I am not a "Northern Supporter", I am an American, end of story. Am I proud as a "Northerner" from Massachusetts of the exploits of the 54th Massachusetts, the 28th Massachusetts, etc; yes I am. I am also proud as an "American" of Picketts men, they had stones of steel to make that charge, Bennings Georgians, Oates Alabamians, Wheats Tigers, Hoods Texans, etc, etc, they were Americans too and fought brilliantly in the war on numerous occasions. I support all Americans, north, south, east, west. Where somone is from does not matter to me, it clearly does matter to you, that is painfully obvious.
The term "Yankee" in it's own way is offensive to some people, yet you continually use the term.
The Civil War was a pathetic and sad chapter in this nations history, any Civil War is, thousands of young men died for nothing IMO, a war that was not necessary. It was not a "just and noble cause", it was a slaughter where the weapons were far superior to the tactics being used at the time. Brother killed brother, father killed son and for what?
The part I find "sad" is the attitude that still exists in this country 143 years later, ie, north vs south, bad guys vs good guys, our case was noble, just and correct while yours was not, "we have a saying here in the south" etc, etc.
We are all Americans, yet 143 years later, the scars have still not healed and many are still fighting the war. Frankly I don't ever see them healing and this thread proves it.