wooden warriors (1 Viewer)

Great wooden WWI tanks! Love the use of the sparkler (safer than the M80's and firecrackers I used as a kid)!
Great pics Charlie, I see your having good weather, keep having fun, those guys look great, the tanks came out great. A man who pratices what he preaches, Get em in the Dirt, Mike.:)
Charlie, the tanks look great......you should put your wooden tanks up for sale on your site....For gaming purposes, would be perfect instead of using our expensive stuff...........I would buy them in a heartbeat. Michael
Charlie, the tanks look great......you should put your wooden tanks up for sale on your site....For gaming purposes, would be perfect instead of using our expensive stuff...........I would buy them in a heartbeat. Michael

We have sold a lot of these in the past and have a couple on order now. But these are really labor intensive and time consuming to make. We sell them for $20.00 a piece but if you cosider the cost of wood paint etc. plus time consumed there is no profit margin in it for us. I work full time and my brother has not been feeling real good so had to slow up production.
Thanks guys for your Kind Comments.
Have Fun
must go across state and camp with Charlie and crew.Really fun stuf!
You're Axis General has no wheels for a camp trip. Coming home from the farm last nite , a poor old guy pulled right out in front of me in his NEW Chev sedan and I Tboned him broadside. He was on his way to get Pies for a Memeorial day Picnic today.He was pretty shaken up and I feel really bad for him but he just didnt look to his left to see me coming. Poor old Blue my ford Ranger is all pushed in and bulged out and undriveable.No one hurt, just our rigs.

Wifes dropping me off at the farm and I'm going to get the front bumper { which is curled way up underneath} slung up and try and pull it back out with the forklift so I can at least drive it home.

So, I need to get that taken care of, drive the Caravan for a while till Blue is fixed.Maybe next trip. Hell, Maybe I'll just buy that new truck I keep thinking about.

Have fun on the campout and take lots of pix.

I'll get with you next time.
Fubar, and Charlie, if I lived in Oregon, I would be there you both do great setups. Charlie have fun, hope the box gets there in time. Fubar, goodluck with old blue. Mike:)

Fubar Sorry to hear about your Truck. Probably is a time for a new one huh.
I will think about ya while playing with my toys. Any time you come over to northeast oregon let me know we could go for a day or overnight trip about any weekend.
I live 20 miles north of Lagrande.
Mike I wish you lived closer too you would have a blast.
Thanks Guys

Hi Guys as not to clutter up this forum I have added lots of new fun pictures to my web site.

Just for fun I call this British in the lost world. Field Marshal Montgomery I dont think we are in north africa anymore. :)
Hey guys, remember Charlie who really knew how to have fun with his toy soldiers {sm4}
Hey guys, remember Charlie who really knew how to have fun with his toy soldiers {sm4}
OZ thanks for bumping this thread and you are right alot of the new guys may not have seen this,anyway i found that BLOG.
But do not know when he was last active on there??....I often think about taking troops outside myself {sm2}...as pyrotechnics are safer outdoors ^&grin


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