I was in at the College for most of the day for an 'Open Day' - stinking humidity and a variety of other very, very annoying developments. The highlight was four boarders coming past the museum and asking if they could come in. They were about 12 years old and just could not go past the dioramas. They spent at least half an half looking in awe at what the guys have achieved. I went over and chatted about history, toy soldiers, diorama making and their homes which seem so far away on a Saturday afternoon after a long term. I found it really uplifting given how poorly the rest of the day went. I really enjoyed chatting to the boys and feeding off their enthusiasm. Then ...
One of them asked about the cost of the figures. I told him.
After a long pause he said (and you have to hear it in an Australian country drawl for it to be really funny)
'Geez Sir, you should just get yourself a 3 D printer'.
I almost cried!
Clearly a boy who needs a dose of detention{sm4}.
Clearly a boy who needs a dose of detention{sm4}.
I was in at the College for most of the day for an 'Open Day' - stinking humidity and a variety of other very, very annoying developments. The highlight was four boarders coming past the museum and asking if they could come in. They were about 12 years old and just could not go past the dioramas. They spent at least half an half looking in awe at what the guys have achieved. I went over and chatted about history, toy soldiers, diorama making and their homes which seem so far away on a Saturday afternoon after a long term. I found it really uplifting given how poorly the rest of the day went. I really enjoyed chatting to the boys and feeding off their enthusiasm. Then ...
One of them asked about the cost of the figures. I told him.
After a long pause he said (and you have to hear it in an Australian country drawl for it to be really funny)
'Geez Sir, you should just get yourself a 3 D printer'.
I almost cried!
Out of the mouths of babes...................etc...............
Well - are you getting one?jb