WW I Vehicle (2 Viewers)

Thats a good question.They look like Brit troops but that doesn't mean their British?.

Maybe they were prototypes that didn't go into production,can't say i have ever seen them before.

Whatever they are one guy seems to doubt the wisdom of his mission.
The vehicles Arnhem44Mad showed were actually US armored cars. They were called the Mack Armored Cars and were first used on the Mexican border. I don't think think they were brought to Europe.

The picture is of three armored cars with soldiers from the New York National Guard. The armored cars were armed with two .30 calibers on swivel mounts. The vehicle chassis were either made by Mack, White or Locomobile. These armored cars were the predecessors of the M3 White Scout car.

Germany did not have any ACs in 1914. I have to agree with Combat that the K & C WWI vehicle will either be a truck (Daimler?) or a staff car (Mercedes).

Not many companies make WWI armored car models and it would be nice to see a K & C one done since their WWII ACs are so fantastic. I think an Ehrhardt will be interesting:

http://www.landships.freeservers.com/Ehrhardt aj-filer/ehrhar01.jpg

Toy army workshop made some excellant WW1 armd cars.

Hi Guys,

Just to reafirm what Mascleo said the Germans didnt have a lot of Mechanized equipment in 1914, no tanks developed by them until 1917/18 with the A7V and the British didnt field any tanks until 1916 there were some ideas being kicked about in 1914 but they were mostly ignored until later in 1915. The ideas of a Staff car or a Motorcycle messanger are probably pretty close to the mark. It will be interesting to see.

I really wish K&C would have done the Mons VC set before Britains.

Has anyone ever thought of the Paris Taxis of the Marne, September 1914 that took men to the front :confused: Possibly with a load of Poilus to fight the Hun.:cool:
I'm hoping for an A7V Sturmpanzerwagen, but I believe the first K&C WW1 releases are early war period and the A7V didn't make it's first appearance until 1916.

Strangely the last remaining example of an A7V is in the Brisbane Museum - the "Mephisto". Apparently it was captured by Australian troops and shipped all the way back to Australia. On it's arrival there was something of a tug of war between Sydney and Brisbane as to who had ownership. I was amazed to come accross it by accident on a visit to Brisbane last year.


At the IWM we have a British mark five tank.Now when Andy gets round to making them that will be cool.I always think they look better somehow than the German tanks of WW1.To me the German tanks look so big and square that they are not that attractive to look at.(probably not meant to be attractive i agree)but they seem to look more like something out of 'wacky races'.

I would also like to see a flatbed truck with an Anti Aircraft gun mounted on it.

I would think the Paris Troop Taxi - with Soldiers hanging out would be really neat. :D
Apart from vehicles can you imagine the scope for artillery?.

A Zeppelin, fuelled by Forum hot air instead of hydrogen?

My hope would be for some early war lorry of some description - face it the mid to late war sets will be quite static, eg defensive German poses v attacking Brits most likely. (Sort of like the early IWJ and DD sets). Some early war vehicles would at least offer something different.
13pounder,18pounder 9.2inch anything would be good!

Look at the number of German staff cars that he has done in the Leibstandarte series. That too was an early war period for WWII collectors and considering that the early vehicles in the beginning stages of the war (1914) were not that numerous or had much variety. I still think that the romantic attraction of the Parisian taxis is something that Andy would believe that collectors would be drawn to.

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