WW1 aviation fans (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Jun 8, 2008
Any of you out there? I know of a couple of you. Kind of excited about the new JJD aircraft series. Actually, I am thrilled beyond words, as WW1 aviation was my first love. My father gave me a copy of "They Fought for the Skies" when I was 9 years old, after telling me about Spads and Fokkers for some time before. Has remained my favorite subject ever since. How about you all? What do you like from WW1 in the air. Planes? Armament? Personnel? Color/Camo of the aircraft? West front? Mid-east? Fighters, bombers, recon? I'd like to hear from fellow enthusiasts about their interests. -- Al
Personaly I'm trying to find out more about pre WW1 aviation. Zepplins, observation ballons and the like, there doesn't seen to be that much information about.


Its all what you mentioned. It was a new era the sky literally being the limit. an age of gentleman flyers, chivalry and, great planes and adventures. The flying circus, red baron sopworth camels/pups its all good and, for me, epitomizes the thrill and passion that goes with this era.

WWII is good with great planes etc but, you just cannot beat this period of aviation history IMO.Also, agree with Martin about zepplins etc great behemoths in the sky being attacked by string bags and being brought down can't be beaten.

Grew up listening to the child stories from my grandad about seeing the first kinds of aircraft when he was small and he loved flying and new where his future lay from then and, its never left me either.
Hi Martin. You have a great area of interest and I believe you will find quite a bit of information available. Heck, if nothing else, just go to www.abebooks.com and enter the keyword "zeppelin" and you will get over 12,000 listings. Google will work, too. Obviously, not all the titles are WW1 related, but a lot are. Good luck with your search. -- Al

Its all what you mentioned. It was a new era the sky literally being the limit. an age of gentleman flyers, chivalry and, great planes and adventures. The flying circus, red baron sopworth camels/pups its all good and, for me, epitomizes the thrill and passion that goes with this era.

WWII is good with great planes etc but, you just cannot beat this period of aviation history IMO.Also, agree with Martin about zepplins etc great behemoths in the sky being attacked by string bags and being brought down can't be beaten.

Grew up listening to the child stories from my grandad about seeing the first kinds of aircraft when he was small and he loved flying and new where his future lay from then and, its never left me either.
Mitch, it is all so true. Those stories from childhood are still with me, as well. I guess the romance of it all, with the man to man jousting in the sky, got me as well.:D -- Al
And the DVD set of "Wings". I wonder if they will ever make a remake of "Hell''s Angels"?
one of my relatives from that time. wish i knew more about him


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one of my relatives from that time. wish i knew more about him
Neat that you know he is a relative. Too bad about the lack of info. Maybe some day you will solve the mystery. Good luck. -- Al
Any of you out there? I know of a couple of you. Kind of excited about the new JJD aircraft series. Actually, I am thrilled beyond words, as WW1 aviation was my first love. My father gave me a copy of "They Fought for the Skies" when I was 9 years old, after telling me about Spads and Fokkers for some time before. Has remained my favorite subject ever since. How about you all? What do you like from WW1 in the air. Planes? Armament? Personnel? Color/Camo of the aircraft? West front? Mid-east? Fighters, bombers, recon? I'd like to hear from fellow enthusiasts about their interests. -- Al

I was given a copy of Renfrew Rides the Sky as a kid. A Canadian Mountie in the RAF, WWI. Was the coolest book I read at that time. Part of a series. I found Renfrew Rides Again in a used book store as an adult and had to buy it. Passed them on to my sons and they had the same joy reading them. Really sparked my interest in WWI aviation and probably had a part in pursuing an air force career.

I like reading about the tactics and aircraft of that period. The new JJD model caught my eye also. Trying hard not to start a new collections series. :rolleyes:
My first book concerning WW1 was by Steven Longstreet ,Canvas Falcons in 1971...One of my all time favorites. I liked the Knights of the Sky mythology of that period. Also the uniqueness of the different aircraft in type and paint schemes..Michael
Now the cat is out of the bag and KC is going to be doing WW1 aircraft. This is good news as there will be a selection between the two makers, KC and JJD. Sure hope they do it all right. Thrilled to have so much on the horizon after nothing for large scale models before. Now, who is going to do the first Gotha bomber for the First Battle of Britain?:D -- Al

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