Zach's Collection (2 Viewers)

Works fine for me.

Hi Zach,

It appears to be working fine. It does take a few moments for the individual pages to load over my cable connection (which is pretty much smoking-hot, speed-wise). That said, I'd rather look at quality photos like yours than thumbnails.

Just curious - is it working for people to use those links I keep posting rather than posting individual photos???

I am not a big fan of the photo hosting services in general, so I prefer seeing the individual photos posted here on Tree Frog.
I am not a big fan of the photo hosting services in general, so I prefer seeing the individual photos posted here on Tree Frog.

Hi Mike,

That would be ideal, I know. However, there are some significant limitations as to what can be uploaded to the TF forum. By that, I'm referring to the size and number of files that can accompany an individual post. Complicating the process further is the tendency of links to image-sharing services to be broken and for the target image to be rendered unviewable. As a result, members are greeted by gray photo-shack icons sprinkled all over the forum. Let me express my gratitude to everyone who posts pics and commentary here. I know that it can be frustrating at times, so that makes your efforts all the more appreciated.

Lots of updates:

Go to page 11-14 for the new stuff



Hi Zach,

I was perusing (and enjoying) your excellent photography and came away from the viewing with a question about your pic directly above. Do you notice any subtle changes in the new RAF sets in comparison with the earlier releases? I pose this question to you because you have a broader selection of the sets, overall, than myself. However, in comparing them to my KC "Caldwell" and "Duke" figures, the new sets seem somewhat more svelte, more slender if you will. Height-wise, there's really no difference so I'm really not referencing scale in this instance. Were I to compare the proportions to those of another manufacturer, I'd say that they appear somewhat more like Jenkins' figures. Oh, and excellent display above. Very impressive!^&cool

Overall they are similar. Height is just about the same, but I do feel they are a tad less "chunky". to me it is a good thing. Some of the old one's boots look like santa claus boots and the newer are more realistic. They look completely fine putting them together though and it's really not obvious unless you are looking for differences.
to me it is a good thing. Some of the old one's boots look like santa claus boots and the newer are more realistic. They look completely fine putting them together though and it's really not obvious unless you are looking for differences.

Hi Zach,

I agree that it's a good thing. I also concur that the individual pieces of the evolving RAF range, old and new, will still look fine together. Hey, maybe the new figures are worth the $$$ after all!:)

Hi Mike,

That would be ideal, I know. However, there are some significant limitations as to what can be uploaded to the TF forum. By that, I'm referring to the size and number of files that can accompany an individual post. Complicating the process further is the tendency of links to image-sharing services to be broken and for the target image to be rendered unviewable. As a result, members are greeted by gray photo-shack icons sprinkled all over the forum. Let me express my gratitude to everyone who posts pics and commentary here. I know that it can be frustrating at times, so that makes your efforts all the more appreciated.


Hi Moe,

Although we are limited to five uploaded photos on the TF forum, I have seen too many examples of posts where photo hosting service photos are no longer viewable.

Hi Moe,

Although we are limited to five uploaded photos on the TF forum, I have seen too many examples of posts where photo hosting service photos are no longer viewable.


You are correct sir, in regard to the missing photos, here and elsewhere. My only point was that Zach appears to have resolved those limitations in his favor, even if he's done so at the expense of actively displaying his collection on the Treefrog forums.:)

my biggest issue (not drastic) of uploading here is the size limitations. To do it, I have resize all of my photos which would be amazingly time consuming. If I am wrong, please let me know and I can upload right to here. I agree that inline photos are more fun
I can also start using links to post pictures of new stuff, Kinda like this! ^&grin..... (all new additions!)





I can also start using links to post pictures of new stuff, Kinda like this! ^&grin..... (all new additions!)






Hi Zach,

That's what I always do. Works fine and it doesn't appear to stress the forum software environment in any way.

Here are more Lead Army figures that i picked up from Crown Military Miniatures. I really like these guys

They are the Russian White Guard from 1920. These are five individual figures, not a set

I bought these as a set, but they are technically individual figures. They are
Landsknecht Artillery Set from Oleg/Arsenyez/AeroArt (not all pieces were made by the same company). They are #s3551/3552/3560/LKC


This is "Caesar the ANZAC Dog" from Regal Toy Soldiers of New Zealand. Some old school gloss going on here and I love it! New addition to my First Aid/Medic Collection


Also from Regal, this is "Private Henderson"


One more Regal. This guy is "News of the Day “Jubilee”"

A few more being added to my medics collection...

This is Honor Bound HB41 American Winter Medic Team WWII. I am not wildly impressed with these (my first Honor Bound), but they fit the collection and were a decent price.


This set is Britains 1916 British Regimental Aid Post #1-MD, Orderly and Wounded Private


and the last addition to the medic collection for now is the new K&C supplies medic

This little fella is
The prototype for Kuroda Nagamasa from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6352



And lastly for today...

Varangian Mercenary Bodyguard from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6327



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