Joe - great drama in your shots
A little Saturday afternoon playtime........The Lt.
Thanks Kevin I've learn alot from you good sir over the years. Here's another taken earlier this AM.
Agree Martyn an here's another mini photo dio.
Agree Martyn an here's another mini photo dio.
Apparently it didn't work Terp152 seems the Reb's gotten the upper hand.
Apparently it didn't work Terp152 seems the Reb's gotten the upper hand.
Thanks Martyn an Terp looks likes the 95th gotten even plus one.
Thanks Martyn an here's another depicting the casualties of war.
Sure looks that way Martyn. Two Zouaves of the 95th New Yorkers are seen being pick off my Rebel Marksmen.
Thanks Martyn as for the Zulus they're reorganizing for their next encounter with the 24th. In the mean time another casualy of the ACW conflict.