Tom, there's so much to like, when will know when you have enough models :wink2: ^&grin
Don't ya just hate a show off..:rolleyes2: when young Tom dropped in for a visit a while back we heard there was a minor earth quake in Darwin, well I thought he was going to have kittens, straight on to the phone home he was to make sure nothing fell over..{sm3} I jest of course I would have been on the plane home asp. Anyway a top collection he has (a tad too many Germans maybe...) Well done mate.
Great collection, Tom, and nicely displayed.^&cool^&cool
Very nice display of your collection Tom, looks like you have some from 2-3 different companies, thanks for posting...Sammy
Few more..
Yeah brilliant mate might head up for a gander and some fishing mate,have to get a passport first...............................^&grin
WOW! Looks like paradise to me. Way to go & display the scale history.
Love It,
Thanks Lads and Wayne, i'll take ya barra fishing in the tinny but just make sure you don't bring a slab of that Swan Lager with you as i wouldn't want you poisoning our countryside when you have to... well you know what i mean! :wink2:{sm4}
Gotta luv Barra fishing, can I come, I'm willing to shout a slab of XXXX (FoureX) :wink2: ^&grin
Gotta luv Barra fishing, can I come, I'm willing to shout a slab of XXXX (FoureX) :wink2: ^&grin
No crocs around if you spill that XXXX,Matt mate we will have to drink that poison they have up there.
Yeah, i'll give you one of these each to keep you out of trouble!!!^&grin
Just kidding, i wouldn't do that to my worst enemy! That stuff will put you in hospital!!!
I'll probably feed you these..
NO,NO,NO i hate that stuff mate what else is on tap up there,you do have tapped beer in the pubs yet mate........^&grin
Don't panic mate, we have it all, pure blond and all the other stuff...
Mate your turning me off this fishing trip,or is that the plan........................{eek3}
Crikey mate, you're a fussy bugger! Don't worry mate, all the beers are represented here, remember, we are the drinking capital of Oz! (that's Oz Australia, not Oz Digger! :rolleyes2{sm4}
No crocs around if you spill that XXXX,Matt mate we will have to drink that poison they have up there.
I've slipped back into this Thread just to have another 'perve' at Tom's amazing collection.......bit concerned though about all this banter over fishing from a tinnie, knocking back dodgy Aussie (e) beer^&grin.......I thought you northern blokes still used dynamite{sm2} least it keeps the Croc's away{eek3}
Thanks Toddy and no, we stopped using dynamite as it was found to be to unstable! (this is fiction by the way fellas) {sm4}