Murray Wins Wimbledon! (2 Viewers)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Well done Andy!:salute:::salute:::salute::

Murray never gave the other guy a chance. Pretty impressive win.:salute:: -- Al

He played brilliantly didn't he Al, some stunning shots there.77 year wait is over!{eek3}^&cool:salute::

A 77 year wait for a Scotsman to win Wimbledon
Well done
Congratulations to Andy Murray and the UK for finally getting this much waited for Wimbledon win! I was very happy to see him pull it out today. Being basically a lifelong tennis player myself, I could tell just how much Murray has put into this both physically and mentally. He was prepared and focused today like I've never seen him. He has always had great wheels and defense, but today he even had that something extra to not only just get to some tough balls, but to do something spectacular with them when he got there. Anticipating drop shots, hitting cross court winners from almost off the court, etc. He was not to be denied today. Well done! {bravo}}
Congrats to the British Isles. It's been a good weekend, what with Chris Froome leading the Tour and now Andy Murray winning Wimbledon (not to mention Olympic Gold last year).
No he is Scottish end of story,well done to him he deserves it.
He played brilliantly didn't he Al, some stunning shots there.77 year wait is over!{eek3}^&cool:salute::


It is going to be quite the summer for British sports fans! Perhaps God is British after all ...
It is going to be quite the summer for British sports fans! Perhaps God is British after all ...

Tennis, Rugby, Cycling, morally we won the Olympics^&grin:wink2:, if only our footballers could do the business......sorry, off into the realms of fantasy there!^&grin

Tennis, Rugby, Cycling, morally we won the Olympics^&grin:wink2:, if only our footballers could do the business......sorry, off into the realms of fantasy there!^&grin


The words 'moral' and 'Olympics' are not often found in the same sentence!
The words 'moral' and 'Olympics' are not often found in the same sentence!

You mean....there is something ......wrong about the Olympics{eek3}:wink2:

Tennis, Rugby, Cycling, morally we won the Olympics^&grin:wink2:, if only our footballers could do the business......sorry, off into the realms of fantasy there!^&grin


And don't forget about Justin Rose winning the US Open golf. :smile2:
He's only Scottish when he loses, he's British when he wins!!^&grin


I thought it was hilarious, when the cameras panned across to the crowd - and especially "The Royal Box" - with the usual gang of freeloaders there. Note the PM Cameron taking some time off work - and doubtless make the point that Andy is a "Brit"? Whereas behind him was the fat bloke who is trying to take Scotland out of GB (can't remember his name) - waving the Cross of Saint Andrew madly at the end - doubtless to remind us all that Andy is a Scot. I would have thought that you only have to listen to Andy speak, to realise that.

A case of politicians trying to make some political points out of sport - again????

Regardless of where he's from - (Scotland is currently in the UK - so he's a Scot and British) - well done to him - his family - and team - because HE and THEY put in the work and effort required to win it - and THAT is personal to Andy. Well done indeed - to HIM, say I. jb
Andy Murray is Scottish he's also British, I'm English to my bones and also hugely proud to be British. Yesterday 17 MILLION PEOPLE over here watched Murray win Wimbledon on the BBC. That means if EVERY SINGLE PERSON (and lets face it not everyone likes tennis)in Scotland sat down and watched him......12 MILLION OTHER PEOPLE in Great Britain watched him via the BBC.

Andy Murray is Scottish he's also British, I'm English to my bones and also hugely proud to be British. Yesterday 17 MILLION PEOPLE over here watched Murray win Wimbledon on the BBC. That means if EVERY SINGLE PERSON (and lets face it not everyone likes tennis)in Scotland sat down and watched him......12 MILLION OTHER PEOPLE in Great Britain watched him via the BBC.


My Grandma was Scottish and thats IT,no British in her she would be rolling in her grave reading this.
Can't help that Wayne. As I say people in Britain have dual nationality , of course they may feel they belong to one of the countries more than the collective, but at the same time they are still British.

Can't help that Wayne. As I say people in Britain have dual nationality , of course they may feel they belong to one of the countries more than the collective, but at the same time they are still British.


Some years ago the English cricket coach asked his players what it meant to them to be English. Robert Croft - from memory - excused himself on the grounds that as a Welshman he had absolutely no idea!
Some years ago the English cricket coach asked his players what it meant to them to be English. Robert Croft - from memory - excused himself on the grounds that as a Welshman he had absolutely no idea!

In the end its all about how you feel about yourself, if you are proud of only the country you were born in, proud of Britain or proud of both its entirely up to you , these Islands paid dearly for freedom so we are free to be proud of what we like.

I personally don't get hung up on sport as if its an end of the world thing, its great, its enjoyable and its good to be part of, but there are more important things in life.

Can't help that Wayne. As I say people in Britain have dual nationality , of course they may feel they belong to one of the countries more than the collective, but at the same time they are still British.


I work with a Scotsman and youre wrong Rob,its not what he is saying,i can't type on here what his opinion is.

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