King and Country Glossy (4 Viewers)

This is the first American Civil War Set ever issued by King & Country, ACW 1.

Thanks Martyn. That wouldn't be surprising as in the early days they freely took from other companies.
Thanks Martyn. That wouldn't be surprising as in the early days they freely took from other companies.

The bugler and Officer were the two I had had Herald versions of back in the day. Herald versions often turn up on Ebay......not so K&C

Thanks for posting the pictures^&cool


Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

Royal Horse Artillery

Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection


Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

that is a nice looking carriage/limber set...probably one of your favorite pieces!
Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

Thank you Michael. Got it a couple of weeks ago and you're right, it is one of my favorites!
Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

Love the RHA gun team, but its not Napoleonic !!!

Could be Crimean War, up to 1900's.

Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

Here it was posted and here it will stay ^&grin

It's the Kings Troop RHA. Andy never said in the old brochures that it was Napoleonic but I always assumed it was and you know what happens when you assume.

Thanks for the information John.
Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

Great set Brad, reminds me a lot of Trophy :salute::


Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

A few little inaccuracies involved here folks, re: "King's Troop" - though a beautifully made set, for sure:

"The King's Troop" - was known before it came into existance as "The Riding troop" RHA - and was changed at the suggestion of King George VI.

My grandfather - who rode the lead horse - and was injured during WW1 at that task - would have loved it, I'm sure!:salute:: :D's_Troop,_Royal_Horse_Artillery
I love that set. that was one of my first "nutsy" purchases and thus started the landslide into the realm of K&C glossy!
Re: King & Country Glossy Napoleonics Collection

Hi John,

Agree, and after a closer look at the artillery piece, it is a Breach Loader. And further more, typical of the early years of the breach-loading era, before rifled small arms and improved sharpnel shells forced the adoption of Shields.....

Love the RHA gun team, but its not Napoleonic !!!

Could be Crimean War, up to 1900's.


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