King and Country Glossy (4 Viewers)

In addition to the figures, the buildings and diorama accessories (flags, ammunition boxes, stacks of canon shells, etc.) are also classic K&C. Here's some more:


  • Victoria's Wars 1.JPG
    Victoria's Wars 1.JPG
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  • Victoria's Wars 14.JPG
    Victoria's Wars 14.JPG
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  • Victoria's Wars 13.JPG
    Victoria's Wars 13.JPG
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Everything in the Zulu War scene, from the Rorke's Drift Burning Farmhouse to the Mealy Bags and Pork Barrels making up the barricade are classic K&C. In the Siege of Chitral diorama, there are a Heco Tinplate Models heliograph team and ambulance wagon, and a Trophy of Wales Steam Tractor depicted. Everything else is K&C. The diorama base was designed and put together for me by Andy and Gordon Neilson after a visit to Willis Hobbies during one of the NY Symposium weekends.:smile2:
I just picked up these two for what I consider a very good price. One question, were both of these paint schemes released by K&C or is one or both a repaint of some sort?

I just picked up this set as well. These are some of my favorite K&C Glossies. I will say one thing though. K&C needs to figure something out with the machine gun muzzles. I have all the Vietnam figures too and all muzzles on these and those are all bent with paint loss. They need some molded foam for muzzles. I know all of these are older sets and maybe newer modern soldiers will have proper foam inserts.

The pilots are authentic, not repaints. Part of a Desert Storm release. I or Mark posted a thread about them a few months ago.

The four figures are also part of the Desert Storm series.
I'll take a look for thread - probably should have done that first! :rolleyes:
I just got these guys in the mail...a few questions

First off, they came in a K&C box and look like they might be, but are they K&C?
If they are do you know the ID number for them and
Should they have different color hats or is this not a complete set?

Thanks, as always!

Don't think they are unless someone has re-painted the hats. Even if they were, they're not a complete set.
Hi, Yes these are K&C, they are French Foreign Legion and I have seen them all in various configurations, hats, etc. The flag looks just identical to the old brochure I have. That is my opinion on these as I have seen just about everything from singles in the old plastic boxes to various configurations going up to 12. I think back in the day, you could buy these as singles too and put together any set you wanted too. Adiditonally, over time, I have found a lot of singles at shows, etc. What I found fascinating is that the first FFL I ever found was a sapper and it took Larry Lo a long time to convince me it was K&C b/c the sculpting, etc was so different. Of course, he was able to provide about 35 examples out of his collection of all the different variations and thus I became rather convinced quickly!

SO, my vote would be that they look like old K&C to me!

The flag is but I don't think the rest of them are. Even at that early stage, the sculpting was a little better. I will double check the brochure that I have in my album section, as well as the ones I have, but they don't look anything like that.
I am so proud...I have stumped the experts! :rolleyes:

Look forward to seeing what the final result is
We are not the experts, I can assure you. We are just sitting in for Louis ^&grin

However, this is what makes collecting fun, figuring out what is what.

I will stake a big claim on these b/c as you are looking and talking about the sculpting, so was I on these figures and trust me, nothing is uglier or more charming than the first FFL I have in the original plastic box, these look world class comparatively. They are all K&C. If I had pics of the ones Larry once showed me, I am not kidding when I say there were 35 variations and all looked different from color of hats, to paint jobs to sculpting, it was astounding. I am 99.9999999999999999% positive these are K&C.

Another early series that I have seen vary wildly is the Royal Marines, everything from eye painting to sculpting etc.

In my opinion, they are all charming and represent a neat period of K&C.

I looked at the brochure (and I believe I'm the only one who has this brochure) as well as the FFL that I have and although I will never say never, as the positioning of the back legs are similar, other than that they, in my opinion, may be but I don't think they are, which is a bit of a hedge from my earlier statement. I'm happy to be corrected by Andy or Louis on this as there are definitely variations (I have some) since Andy and Gordon would make things to order.

I actually find the Royal Marines to be pretty consistent.
Overnight I saw that Peter Lalos had listed three Afghans holding shields, each the same model but all painted differently and all three of which were different than the two I have. So, there are plenty of variations.

Thus, who is to say that the figures Zach has aren't, as Tom says, variations as the flag is the same and the poses similar. So, I will agree with Tom that they are probably K & C and that maybe Zach has something rare (different than the ones in the brochure).

that is pretty much what I learned too, the variations are all over the map. I have to dig out that first FFL figure and box I got, I guarantee you will not believe it when I find it that it is K&C!

As to the royal marines, I used to think so too, until I recently bought a large lot, then resold pieces of it, some marked, some not, the eyes all over the place in style, then I saw some other older gloss with the same issues.

End of day, I like them all for the old toy soldier charm that glossies have.

I think they are extremely rare, one of a kind K&C.....wanna buy them? hahahhaa

(I am totally kidding for anyone who was about to PM me about them)
You may indeed Zach. That's what makes collecting these glossies fun. You may find something unusual. On the other hand, sometimes you can drive yourself crazy too.

Trophy has variations too although I don't think as much but I defer to Tom on that.

You're dealing with objects not always painted the same; hence the differences.
You may indeed Zach. That's what makes collecting these glossies fun. You may find something unusual. On the other hand, sometimes you can drive yourself crazy too.

Trophy has variations too although I don't think as much but I defer to Tom on that.

You're dealing with objects not always painted the same; hence the differences.

Oh dear lord, don't mention Trophy, but Martin has me beat on variants, although, that was another back in the day where you could mix and match, ie you still can, just go to a show or even on ebay, you will find odd combinations!

OK, quiz time...who is he?
I looked around, but can't find him. Is he part of a bigger set?


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