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  • So how is the mold working out for you? Is there a link to the pictures or maybe it is in an album? Who made the mold?

    Ah, I found them. Nice.
    Thank you for your message, Damian. Fernando Pessoa is a personal favorite of mine, and I always return to his poetry anytime I feel the need. My grandfather was born in Portugal, so I love all Portuguese writers (I'm a writer myself).
    You won't mind if I befriend you...

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: I couldn't send this as a private message since your inbox was full.
    Hi Damian
    Good to hear from you, trust you are all well and settled in your new home.
    Auguste & Joanna
    "Be thankful you don't have blue states Damian."

    Hello Damian, I don't want to set off a fire on the forum but Massachusetts is a "BLUE state" where the literacy and health figures tend to be the highest of the 50 states.

    We had that Lead painted toy scare about a year or two ago because of a fast food chain's sub contacted Chinese toys found painted with lead based paints that got past inspection and quality controls. Under President Bush a lot of inspection was gutted.

    WE also have Americans who would rather complain that actually contact their elected officials about these issues.


    Also from Massachusetts, US of A.
    Hi damien , i really enjoyed your pictures, especially the wa88 trophy hussar bugler of which i have never seen a picture. Got the whole series except the bugler and the officer. By the way nice kids. I have two myself , one is 11 and the other is 9. The 11 yr oldloves toy soldiers but the nine could care less. The 11 yr old plays boys football but will have to eventually change to rugby. And it looks like you follow the game. I was a hooker myself at u of iowa . We were big ten champs with the help of 3 grad students from south africa. Anyhow its nice to know there are other younger guys involved in the hobby. Take care
    Thankyou! I did snag Oldest trick in the book and a ONWTC set! Someday you must come to the greatest day of the year besides Christmas!

    I only got one SET! I was planning on spending $900 but could not because know one was selling and to make it worse four of the sets are out of stock at conte warehouse and they dont know when THEY WILL BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you see all 4 BOSS sets send me a message


    Did see Joe and got to chat with him though! Sorry did not see Zouaves was only their Sunday. Did see Miracle At St. Anna. Brought tears to my old mans eyes (who is a combat veteran) he dislikes the portrayal of soldiers in most combat films, but this is one of the few that made him tear up.
    I would love that too. Unfortunately I suspect it would involve air fare to S. Africa, oh, and half of everything I own in the divorce proceedings......:eek::D

    I'll just have to settle for admiration from a far.

    It's the boyz from 'Hot Fuzz'! Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in what can only be described as an all action, 21st century, hi-tech, nitrous paced police comedy set in the quiet rural village of Sandford.

    I'm guessing you've not seen it yet then, in which case it's a definate 'must watch'. Having lived in dear old England, you'll appreciate it even more.

    Hi damian, i'm actually a fanatic Manchester United fan, and when soccer is out of season, i watch rugby. Anyway every time i catch Boks vs All blacks, all blacks seems to lose! maybe i am jinxing them? The winter tiger looks terrific, i'm concentrating on the Figarti V2, so do post the Tiger pics when you get them.


    nasir kasmani.
    hI Damian, great pics on the album. didnt knew you were a Bok fan. I'm all Blacks. It seems Blacks can never beat the Boks, so i always wish they never meet!
    Hi Damian,

    Just home after a day at the IWM and wanted to wish you all the best for a great birthday today,have a good one mate.Cheers

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