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  • Dear Damian,

    If I recall correctly I saw you post a little while ago asking about 1:32 21st Century Toys aircraft. I've just ordered one (South African Airforce, P-40B Tomahawk, North Africa) as an experiment. I'll let you know what it's like.


    PS My wife's family is from PMB - her aunt is still there. I go there occassionally to visit.
    I collect Trophy figures and K and C World War II stuff. With Figarti comming on so well I have bought quite a few of their sets. I am very interested in the Zul War. I have lots of Trophy Zulu War. I will hopefully be getting the WB and Conte Zulu sets
    hi damian, glad to have pleasant folks like you on the forum, where we can discuss and have fun banter. what do you collect?

    Sorry to have left you hanging- wife wanted to go to a ballgame last night. I would love to see some pictures of that old tunic- must have been a gas!! My brother and I used to make cardboard swords and suits of armor- or bubblewrap- and used to color them silver or wrap aluminum foil around them and beat the crap out of each other playing "Knights" :) We have some of the anti-war sentiments here in the States regarding children playing with toy guns- I think in the end, the parents need to make the calls and monitor their children for reasonable behavior. I have always felt it was just boys being boys and having fun- I think our society has gotten really hypocritical where the toy gun industry is seen as evil and breeds violence yet parents don't seem to mind their kids sitting in front of these first person shooter games like DOOM, Medal of Honor and a host of others- the violence on those things is far far more graphic than anything I could imagine then or now- at least with "guns" you got up off the couch and went outside and played.
    well I have always been keen on soldiers. My granny made me a beautiful mock soldier tunic. It was yellow and looked like a drummer boys tunic. I have a great phot from about 1975 of me dressed up in a army cammo playsuit. I sort of wonder about the timing. Back in 1977 we had war in Rhodesia and Namibia, the Soweto Riots etc. I am not sure what the sociologists would say about it. You know the siege mentality of white South Africa. Truth is I was just having fun. We always used to re-enact WWII. One of my friend Mom's once got teed off and said look WWII was 30 years ago and Uncle fred was never teh same when he came back. we are fighting the communist terrs now so why don't you pretend to fight them instead. It just never appealed to me I am afraid so we went back to playing the Guns of Navarone
    Interesting insight on the military reenactment in SA. Don't be fooled by what you see on this forum- we American TS collectors are dwarfed by train guys. We do have a healthy reenactment population though I think it varies from town to town- being near GBurg, we get the ACW guys, Valley Forge gets the AWI, etc, etc. WW2 Guys are springing up all over the place.

    This hobby is really an Englishman's game- The rest of us are just sort of going along for the ride :)
    VERY WELL DONE!! Yeah, don't let that little upstart Antony get on board :) Not sure why I couldn't locate it- I checked the specials section too- I thought you could still get the thing from Conte though. Are you getting the painted or unpainted crew?
    I checked the Michtoy site and didn't see that it was on sale. Of course, I am going to tell you to get it, just because it is what it is. :)
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