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  • Hey Lawrence- sorry for the late reply. Certainly appreciate the courtesy. Am talking with Jill- I told her what you said and she said we'd be by this weekend!! :) I am considering going to Louis's symposium as well- would probably do the switch there.

    Just to confirm- one WS68 KC Puma for one Russian world class painted Roman chariot- correct??? :) GO ARMY!!
    No, I certainly remember the post, for some reason, the way I read it, it sounded like perhaps ironcially something might have happened unfortunately. I wouldn't dream of asking for the chariot- out of my leagues $$$ not to mention the fact that it doesn't fit with my collection- the Romans didn't deploy chariot teams. I was looking at the legionaires. You have a great weekend too my friend!!
    yeah but at least the talent is there in NYC. I went in here once after work many many years ago- the drinks were watered down, everyone was screaming for cash and the talent was, well, let's just say it's more exciting to watch me get out of the shower and dry off :) :)
    hey buddy- saw those pics of the Imperial Chinese figures. I remember Mike used to have a ton of those guys when I first started collecting years ago. They slowly disappeared- did they end up in someones collection in Manhattan? :)
    That is a high compliment indeed! I am glad to help and i am very glad you are enjoying your Russian miniatures. You have a good weekend as well.
    Hope all is well. I will be glad to try and help. I will use my reference book and try to identify all your Russian figures I can. I will put each down as a visitor comment on a photo (if that makes sense). You can then cut and paste them if you like.
    Yo Lo!!! (Man, that is BAADD!!:))
    Thanks for buying my market garden trooper. he is inbound this am. DC 0310480000307943051. carrier usps. if you do not leave me good feedback, i will bring my family back to Tse Chang's!! lol!!
    Hey bud- your understanding is correct- from what I know, that represents a "version" in the fact that something paint wise is noticeably different. The best place to look for the production run is the AA book. These chariots typically do not exceed 20 sets worldwide.
    And no, Santa must have missed the memo about my new housing arrangement- total shutout this year for Christmas :(((( Still, had a tremendous one last year TS wide so can't complain.
    Arsenyev did use to paint figures for Aeroart. However, Thor did not own all the rights to all the Arsenyev pieces he sold. Basically, for a time (early 2000s)he would sell what he could get from Arsenyev studio. The pieces sold very well, needless to say demand exceeded supply! Many were sold in very limited quantity. When I look at my collection of miniatures, Arsenyev has produced my finest pieces without any doubt. If I could see photos of the actual miniatures, I may be able to find more info in some of my reference works. Early Arsenyev pieces had a blue painted bottom w/ a knights head on it. PM me if you want about this topic. I have a passion for Arsenyev and would like to help you. I may be able to identify some of the others as well. Hope you and your family have a great New Year's day! Take care my friend
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    Jill just told me last night she didn't get me any toy soldiers. Not sure if this is some kind of feint tactic or not. If not, she sure did it right by letting me pick up the NYC tab AND Tiffanys bill then deciding to break my heart!! :) This is why we keep women out of combat:)
    Hey Lawrence. I have been thinking of Peking Duck for the past day and a half!! lol. You are one in a million. Our friendship is easily one of the best things that happened to me this year. Thank you for the kindness and hospitality you showed my family. You really are a special person.
    I'm on it buddy! It would be nice to have an extra. I do not know about you, but much to my wife's dismay, I have a miscellaneous shelf in our den where I keep all my single/orphan toy soldiers. The Janissary would look good there. Thanks for thinking of me.
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