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  • I'll be in the City this weekend- you going to be at your restraurant on Sunday afternoon? Thinking about swinging by for lunch sometime.
    GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH You know you're evil!! :) True story though, as I was walking to the parking garage, there was a porno resting in a water drain!! :)
    Thank you Lawrence- yeah, pretty crazy- then to top it off, I work in Baltimore and the City buildings had to be evacuated because one of the strip clubs (which are on the same "block") caught flame!! 2 Fires in 5 days- can't script my life!! :)
    I tried to PM you but for the life of me I cannot seem to figure it out. Please PM me to get things rolling. You are too generous my friend! Let us work out a deal and let me PayPal you money for that beautiful set, broken bayonet or not. Tell me what you think is fair. I have always like that set, the action & the uniforms are great. Your message was a wonderful surprise Lawrence! I hope we can work something out. Sincerely
    Hi Lawrence: Great photos in your "Leopard" album. Tedtoy has a neat inexpensive dock and a rowboat of Confederate(Georgia) sailors if you want to add to it. Tommy
    Threats of the physical type!! LOL- Actually he is really getting into cooking so my wife and I are taking full advantage of it!! He made Kung Pow (sp??) chicken with rice and it was delicious!!
    Our son is making Chinese food for all of us and our guests tonight for the MMA fight- perhaps he can come work for you in the Big Apple?? LOL!!! :)
    Sorry for the delay my friend. These shots are just for you, I will post pics of all my new sets on the "new additions" thread later. Took me a while to find the time to unpack re-bend swords, etc. Its a ritual we all love and I did not want to hurry in-between doing something else. All and all everything was beautiful and clean.

    Take care JW
    Hopefully i will have the photos to you by the weekend, but by all means good luck at Hackensack show! I envy you having the East coast as your backyard! Meanwhile I am 9 hours south of Chicago, 9 hours north of New Orleans!
    Thanks for your input Lawrence, I really appreciate it. I will be sure to send you some shots of the Travis set. Take care and have a great weekend.
    Hope all is going well. Are you visiting your son for Homecoming? I need your expert advice. I actually found some Trophy figures on my own off of Ebay!! Not quite like Boerboy or Martyn, but i am trying. Anyway, I picked up the 4 Alamo hand to hand sets all mib, as well as the Young Winston Churchill figure with Dervish, as well as another Sudan hand to hand with Highlander Flagbearer walking forward with pistol and dervish attacking with sword overhead (I have never seen this dervish before). They guy new what he had so I had to pay a good amount for them but not Ebay prices. To make a long visitor message short, are those hand to hand Alamo sets hard to come by or fairly common? I am afraid I may have paid too much for them. I am trying to remember the last time i saw them on Ebay. I will post some photos before long. I really like the sets, they look great and the box has the older yellow label. Thanks for any info Lawrence. have a great weekend
    Thanks for thinking of me. I am glad you got yourself the Elephant artillery. I love my set, but always wished Len had made the beasts a bit larger. I would love the Boer War Tractor and Gun, but it is too steep for my budget right now. In better times I may have well coughed up! Did you go to the Chicago show? I could not make it this year, I really need to go next year! Take care Lawrence and again, thanks for the offer.
    I have been trying to stay busy. The airshow is a great time. I am fortunate that I live so close to the airport. I am currently working on a desert diorama using the new K&C buildings. I built a table inside a closet in my basement. I will be able to just close the doors when not in use. It also allows me a bit of space. Will be the largest diorama I have done so far. Will measure 32" X 72" should be a nice play area when done. I will post pictures in the future. I am looking forward to my next trip to NYC but I am not sure when that will be. Best Regards,
    I was just looking at your albums. Your collection is incredible. I really like the airplanes what a great collection.
    Best Regards
    Congrats on the galloping set. I coughed up a lot for my set as well. I got it from some auction house in Britain several month s ago. I sure would like to find the officer and Bugler to go with it. I will look into the Guards in London, thanks for the tip. I know exactly what you mean by saying "you never know what will pop-up." The hunt will always continue for Trophy, however, I cannot always enter the Ebay fray at these prices! Take care.
    Thanks for noticing my Royal Artillery set. I was very excited to find it, especially at the halt. It is a very nice set in excellent condition, not a chip of paint missing. Yes, I got the Somme set on ebay, had to cough up a bit for it but I am very happy with it as well. Do you have the Somme set? Real nice gun. All the figures were stamped 1997. Thanks for dropping me a note and I hope your collecting is going well. Between the horse artillery, the Somme set and my Turkish sets, i am feeling very satisfied.
    take care JW
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