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  • Lawrence,
    I will get that set out before long. Mine originally came with 6 oxen as well. I have always loved the large artillery sets being pulled by some sort of beasts of burden. I always wanted a Trophy gun pulled by horses, in particular standing/at the rest. Yours is quite nice. Hopefully I will find one before too long. Have you seen that Figarti Railway Gun? Terribly expensive but I am attracted to it!! Take care
    That's great you got the Naval Gun pulled by Oxen. That is a great set. Mine is kind of a hybrid because I got it thru Jim Hillestad about 20 years ago and then about 10 years ago I ordered from Len directly some more oxen, yolks, lmbers, a mounted officer, ammo mule and marching sailors. The set has a blend of the old and the new but it works and I love it. Too bad it is packed away and I lack space to display everything. I think my set has 1o oxen. How many does yours have? You are right about the thrill of the hunt! Its fun finding the stuff. Take care

    Hi Lawrence: I emailed Len so maybe he will get back to me soon. I bought the Boer War naval gun set from Mike who got it from Len. I thought it was complete until I saw Marytn's photos and discovered that it is short the three walking sailors. If you run across any, please let me know. Thanks. Tommy

    Wonderful collection you have. I enjoyed looking at the photos. I especially like your horse drawn Trophy artillery. Thanks

    Lawrence: Thanks for the kind words about my collection. Like you, I enjoy it. I have a set from the Boer War like you described but didn't know he did so for the Boxer series. My best, Tommy
    Thank you Lawrence, I enjoy seeing your great Trophy sets as well


    Tommy, I believe it was part of a set - FW1 which included a dead European soldier as well as some other battlefield props such as boxer shield, helmets and rifles. I unfortunately, do not have a complete set. I only have the two casualties. Still trying to fill in some gaps including the complete gate and walls that you have. Always fun looking for this wonderful stuff. All the best, Lawrence
    Tommy, Great to hear from you! Mike and I have had quite a number of conversations about your great collection, but seeing the photos of your collection has been quite a thrill. When I saw the photos you posted, my jaw dropped and all I could say was WOW!! That got me motivated to rummage through some of my stuff and take some photos. I will post some. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed seeing yours. Please send my regards to Mike when you see him. All the best, Lawrence
    Hi Lawrence, unfortunately I have no early K&C winter items. But I am very proud to own one of the brilliant Winter tiger (limited edition with 5 soldiers ), I started collecting when the BBG and BBA range began. My favorite range ! best regards Marcus
    Hi Lawrence,
    Congrats on your superb collection covering most of the 19th and 20th century great conflicts.Not only the sets but the displays are fantastic.
    We have a group here in the forum dedicated to artillery sets and would very much like to invite you to add some of the great photos from your collection in out social group album and take part on the eventual discussion topics.
    Artillery Crazy.
    unbelievable colection, just brilliant - I like most your early winter tanks regrads from Germany Marcus
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