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  • Hi there John. I just realized you had a birthday this past Saturday. I hope you had a very wonderful day full of family, friends, fun and nice surprises. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. All the very best . . .
    Hope you're feeling better. Thanks for the info. I am starting to figure out how to post pics, which will be interesting. Steve
    Did you go to the Living history Show? I missed it. Still working my way around the forum. If someone has posted pics anf it says "exceeded bandwidth", can I still access the pics?
    Thanks for welcome. yes, the BOS is/was a great range to collect. I need one more set to complete it. I am finishing up the Monongahela, although, I'm missing most of the very early sets. I did not attend the last show but plan on attending this year.

    God Bless you John- you are really one of the most genuine articles on this forum- and holding up mighty well for 235!! Here's to another quarter millenium my friend!!
    Thanks Mike for the Birthday wish. Another year gone by and I am still hanging on. (l0l). John
    Wishing you all the best John on your birthday today. May your day be full of fun and nice surprises.
    I was in 66-69.
    My MOS was 3051 Supply.
    In RVN, I was on Guard at ASP1. That was West of the DaNang Air Base.
    My last two months, I was Sergeant of the Guard.
    The dump went up in April, 69. It was after I rotated.
    When were you stationed on the Rock ?
    I was there in 67/68, at Courtney.
    Mike: I looked up Google images under woodland Indians and picked a picture to use.
    love your new avatar John...can you post a larger picture of it or send me a link...I promise I won't steal it...hahahaha...Michael
    Hey bud- wow- that must have been a tremendous experience for her. Too bad you had to miss it :( JoePa will die on the sidelines, I am sure of it.
    I spent enough money sending three to college. Two to Michigan State so I feel like a stockholder. I am beginning to be dissapointed again this season. I no longer get season tickets. My daughter was in the 1988 State Marching Band when they went to the Rose Bowl. I had to work! Think Joe Paterno will ever retire. Great coach. John
    Can you answer me a question- how can such a cool guy like yourself be a fan of the MSU Spartans??? :)

    WE ARE......
    PENN STATE!!!!
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