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  • Hi Dave, I was in the Royal Air Force Police for 22 years where I specialized in Police dog work and got to the dizzy rank of Sgt mainly running Police Dog Sections at home (UK) and in Germany. I also trained and handled sniffer dogs in drug and firearms/explosive detection in Northern Ireland. What a coincidence you being at Edinburgh Tattoo, I was there in 1992 as team manager of the RAF Police Dog Display Team, where you playing in a pipe band? Bye the way love the Hounds of Barracuda
    Regards John
    Hi Dave thanks for your nice comments, I got the Beating Retreat print last Xmas from an ex service mate that I stayed in touch with since demob,I was thinking what name I should go under on the treefrog forum and looked up and there it was! I have just acquired another drum off ebay its King Edward vii own Gurkha rifles its pretty impressive another one on ebay at the moment is The Gordon Highlanders which I will probably bid for. I like your new Napoleonic display with the artillery piece what make is that, did you paint it yourself?
    Regards John
    Hi Dave whats your latest project I,m restoring an unknown Royal field artillery team I picked up at a, car boot sale its a lot of work everything needs stripping down and repainting,the gun and limber are old Hinchliffe models with lots of parts and wirey things.
    Thanks for inviting me to be a friend.
    Regards John
    the gordon highlanders & blackwatch regimental bands are 2 that i never seem 2 find ether! ive never attempted 2 paint any myself as i dont think they would turn out right!!! yours on the other hand look very professiona.
    i love the italeri stuff,what brand are the military bands,your paintng ? i just painted some band figs i think they were timpo,cherilia remoulds they were basic figs but look not bad painted.
    hi ya Dave, i'm waiting for my lot of V1 and V2 Figarti stuffs. out of WW2 i'm quite hopeless really, but napoleans tent looks mean.
    I think so.I picked it up at the Hobby Bunker in Boston.Not bad I wish I had more of them.
    Excellent pics in your Album. Can I ask, one of the backdrops looks like Whitehall/Horseguards. If so is it from JG Miniatures ???
    Got the molds. I put one guy together. He is not complete paint wise. Need a lot of metal . Got 30-40 pounds of the stuff!
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