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  • Hi Scott, A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.
    Merry Christmas Scott! Hope you have a great day & get some new Soldiers to add to your collection! Have a good time mate :)

    A very Happy Christmas Scott, hope 2012 is a really good one for you.
    All the best
    Hi Scott - in answer to query about depth of holes - no I didn't need to drill out deeper - but doesn't mean to say that maybe you do now. Things do change over time. I use superglue - so don't skimp on quality - use the best. Use your judgement - and make sure - if in doubt!

    Having said that - I never need to solder any more - in my opinion a good quality super-glue gives a superior joint - ALWAYS. It is VERY strong stuff. Give it at least 12 hours to set completely - and it will NEVER come off! Call again though - if you have a problem.

    Good luck - and keep the faith!!! - johnnybach
    Hi Scott,

    I have been in touch with Anne Randall at Asset in the UK. The good news, as regards Assets Household Cavalry, is that nearlky all of the State Dress Band figures ARE available - as the arms from the State Dress figures DO fit - with one possible exception. Apparently, the right arm from the Fifer sits a bit low in the casting socket. BUT with a bit of filing and milliput it will work too.

    They also know about replacing the French Horn on mounted with a Tenor Horn.

    bad news for me is - the Mounted review order figure is a much thinner casting - so the foot band arms look awful. they have tried - and it just doesn't look right.

    If you want to chat to her about it - she has got over her "computer phobia" a bit - and is on


    I am currently mulling over the idea myself - though she did say that if there was sufficient demand - they might consider casting new arms for a band! So I might wait a bit longer.

    regards johnnybach
    Happy Birthday Scott. Hope you have a fantastic day full of fun and lots of nice surprises.
    Okay Scott - thanks for the encouragement - I just thought that IF you needed to pull the item - I thought you should know that I wouldn't be offended
    Hi Scott -I waited until after Xmas before posting pics of SS band. IF anyone feels outraged - feel free to pull the plug if you want t. Glad you liked the models though. johnnybach
    Thank you very much for the X-mas greeting. Hope your x-mas was fine too. I wish you and yours all the best for 2011.


    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope Santa was good to you today.

    Hi Scott
    All the best to you and your family.Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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