Search results

  1. Ivanhoe

    Retreat from Russia

    Excellent photography ! Thank you for posting.
  2. Ivanhoe

    Different Indian Tribes meet peacefully at the Lake...

    Michael; The figures and the 'front' grass give so much 'depth' to the scene. Museum quality work...really a piece of Art. Fantastic. Thank you.
  3. Ivanhoe

    Roger's Rangers Whaleboat and Dock on River...

    Well Done !! Excellent piece of work, all the way around. Thank you for posting.
  4. Ivanhoe

    Vietnam display

    Well done ! Really like the figure placement.
  5. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday mestell

    Mike; Sorry missed wishing you 'Happy Birthday'...should be an easy one to olde age I guess. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Wishing you well on the 7th.
  6. Ivanhoe

    JJD Thracians...

    Michael; The mounted Thracians in front of the 'Lake' is amazing !!! Cannot tell where backdrop begins...fabulous. Thank you.
  7. Ivanhoe

    Mountain Road Breakdown!

    The whole Diorama is 'Amazing' ! A lot of time and effort...well worth it all. Thank you for sharing the progress and excellent results.
  8. Ivanhoe

    Purchasing "job-Lots"

    Great work jb ! The 'set' is beautiful. Nice when you can get 'help' like that. Your horse painting still amazes me. Thank you for posting.
  9. Ivanhoe

    My JJD Conquest of America.............

    Excellent depictions ! Love the Lush Greenery. Thank you for posting.
  10. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Old Bill

    Roy; Wishing you the Best on your Birthday ! And...Hopefully many more on which you can "Stand and Fight". Have a wonderful day :salute::
  11. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Larry

    LaRRy; Sorry missed your big day ! Glad you had a good one !
  12. Ivanhoe

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    As many others have expressed - Fantastic !! Would love to have that art work on Medieval Tapestries. Thank you so much for posting and congratulations on obtaining this piece.
  13. Ivanhoe

    John Jenkins/First Legion/Kronprinz Celts call to arms

    Excellent work on that Boudica figure :salute:: Love the hair also. Thank you for posting.
  14. Ivanhoe


    "Fight on, brave knights! Man dies, but glory lives!---Fight on---death is better than defeat! ---Fight on, brave knights!---for bright eyes behold your deeds!" ~ Sir Walter Scott Great medieval scene ! Thank you for posting.
  15. Ivanhoe

    Allegory in an Egg

    That is amazing ! Well Done. Thank you for posting these.
  16. Ivanhoe

    Western Town Chapter 3

    Excellent continuation of great scenes you have created ! Surprised to see Gary Linden left "Frost-Bite Falls" for warmer climate of cattle drive.
  17. Ivanhoe

    Valiant Miniatures

    Very well done ! Really like the Base also...fits so well with theme of figure and ground work. Thank you for posting.
  18. Ivanhoe

    time on my hands at last

    Robin; Really like this Diorama ! With Milady de Winter guarding the door, there does not seem to be a mad rush to exit... Thank you.
  19. Ivanhoe

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Just filling in some pieces have wanted for a while. Eclectic mix.
  20. Ivanhoe

    Happy birthday Mike Miller

    Michael; Hope you have a wonderful and very Happy Birthday ! Your skills in this hobby have provided many an enjoyable time for this Forum. Thank you.