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  1. Middleguard

    Mustering Napoleonic army part 2

    Thanks for viewing. I was thinking about Fishhead too. He must be working on something big right now for him to have been so quiet for such a long while. I haven't seen a comment from him on anything lately. I marvel at his work, and the volume of it. View of the French left. The Russians...
  2. Middleguard

    Mustering Napoleonic army part 2

    Day 6. The Austrians are at the breaking point. The Russians grudgingly give up the town foot by foot. Napoleon rides out to oversee the final push to victory.
  3. Middleguard

    Mustering Napoleonic army part 2

    I do not understand why the posts do not show up in the order they are written, so to keep things simple I've started a new thread. My back and legs still hurt but not enough to keep me from playing with my toys.
  4. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    Marxmaniac, you have some valid points. I had the same "one day I will set up a huge diorama" dream too. A lot of us have as has been expressed on this thread alone. When I saw Colebradens empty bedroom set up of a Napoleonic war battle it inspired me to post what I had for a collection...
  5. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    Day 4. Oh my aching back and legs. Anyway, first contact is made by the French light cavalry to try to silence the Russian guns. They succeed in driving off the gun crews only to be repulsed by Russian heavy cavalry. The Russian infantry forms square against the threatening cavalry and...
  6. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    Marxmaniac, if you were directing those questions to me the answers are. I am married. As paintball has become too expensive to play and we have all the gym equipment we require in the basement with the room to use it I have only one hobby left which takes time and money. Toy soldiers. My wife...
  7. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    The opponents arrive. Hungarian troops occupy the walled farm. Russian infantry masses on the outskirts of town. Austrian battalions fill the gap. Russians infest the town.
  8. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    Hey Colebraden! The count of figures is more like 4200+ infantry and 620 some odd cavalry. I'm about 200 cavalry short of the proper percentages of infantry to cavalry. I am sore today. Made it very hard to go back and set up the town. Did I say the town? Guess I did. I'm getting a little better...
  9. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    Semperandyfi, although I would like to expand my collection there is such a thing as too many figures. I spent a few months looking for a place to set these guys up. The room I am using is 50x30 foot. It is old factory floor space that a businessman friend of mine is renting me for a few dollars...
  10. Middleguard

    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    'Nuff said. My 1/32 scale Napoleonic army. Battle to follow.
  11. Middleguard

    new guy

    Hey newguy, I'm posting a picture here to refresh myself on how to do it and to walk you through the way to import pictures from your own archives. First go to your MY PICTURES page from your desktop. Find the picture(s) you want to upload. The picture has to be the right size. Open the picture...
  12. Middleguard

    Bassevitch Crimean War Russians

    Sure, you are right about not needing 20 priests or surgeons, but both of those figures are non specific enough from looking at the photo that they may usable in other periods and locations. A priests robes differ very little. Add some horns to the priests helm and you have a Viking priest. The...
  13. Middleguard

    Bassevitch Crimean War Russians

    Could you post another set of pictures please. There is a figure in the back behind the priest that looks to be wearing an apron and holding a knife or small instrument. He is partly concealed in each photo so is hard to make out exactly what he is and what he is doing. Thanks.
  14. Middleguard

    Bassevitch Crimean War Russians

    I really like the number of figures in the set. 12 guys is plenty for the variety without the same pose being done over again only slightly different. Each figure is interesting and some are rather unique. It would take buying several boxes to be able to make usable units for a wargame, but then...
  15. Middleguard

    Just what we need to complete our armies!

    Yeah, but why an entire set of officers?
  16. Middleguard

    Feedback needed

    A possible event to capture from the ACW as a moment in time with characters figures would be Sherman's march through Georgia. Figures could be in non-traditional poses. Think pillaging and burning. Southern youngsters and the elderly and of course the newly liberated slaves of all ages.The...
  17. Middleguard

    Wanted! Some Sheriff's Men

    Starring Chuck Norris as William Tell. The added scabbard is a nice touch and well done. Please post again if you paint these guys up.