Search results

  1. richardschulze1944

    King&Country Berlin 38' Collection

    They certainly do tell a story :) I don't have the recent SA figures yet, nor the civilians, but both are on my wish list :p
  2. richardschulze1944

    My small LAH display

    Addictive, certainly. I now have three LAH displays on the go at the same time :o I like all the pics, for different reasons, but my preferred choice would be the full colour one if what you want to see are the figures in their full, unadulterated glory! {eek3} Keep it going :)
  3. richardschulze1944

    King&Country LAH Collection

    Nice dio Panzer :cool: Very interesting to hear about the Grofaz nickname - first time I'd heard of it, too, and I've been interested in this era for about the same length of time, and teaching about it as well! :o Everyday's a school day - it's all part of the fun and the enjoyment we get...
  4. richardschulze1944


    Hi guys. I'm glad you all like the barracks, I do as well :tongue: They are still showing as available, ie not sold out, on the TCS website: You could also try one of my favourite dealers, TM Terrain in the UK, or maybe Sierra Toy Soldiers...
  5. richardschulze1944


    Here are some pictures of the Lichterfelde Barracks in a 'barren' state, to give those of you who are interested, like Oliver, some idea of how big they are :rolleyes: The entire facade comprises 20 pieces :wink2:
  6. richardschulze1944


    Re: Lah,lah,lah Thanks. The dio is by no means finished yet. In its very early stages. The building facade and floor pieces come as three separate units, courtesy of The Collector's Showcase, a central building and two annexes {eek3}
  7. richardschulze1944


    Re: Lah,lah,lah Thanks for the compliment, Oliver. I will definitely post some more images for you over the next day or two. There's plenty of room in front of the barrack facade to stand quite a few figures, hence the comment I made about having BIG plans for it - I need a load more figures...
  8. richardschulze1944


    Hi there folks :) I thought I'd post one or two photos of my Lichterfelde Barracks display as it stands at the moment. Please bear in mind it is very much a project in the early stages of development, so not much to look at just now :tongue: I have BIG plans for this display and will...
  9. richardschulze1944


    Very nice, indeed, JPB :wink2: I like all the cabinets and glazed shelving space you have there ^&grin
  10. richardschulze1944


    Thank you chaps :D There will be more at some stage. I'm after some of the new civilians myself. Which ones do you have at the moment?
  11. richardschulze1944


    Hello again Just thought I'd put up a few more snaps of my current display. Hope you like them :tongue: I'm currently doing a little touching up to my CS Lichterfelde barracks, and ordering one or two bits and pieces to stand in front of them. More pictures later :salute::
  12. richardschulze1944


    Tee hee :tongue: It is indeed, Mitch. The three rather large boxes are in the hobbies room still waiting to be opened I was planning to do it today but spent most of the morning recovering from an airsoft skirmish I played at yesterday, pictures of which are available on my blog ^&grin Will...
  13. richardschulze1944


    Well, thanks :) I've got one or two here, with more to come at a later date Hope you like them :) The item I've been waiting for from CS arrived the other day. I've still to open it and snap it! :D
  14. richardschulze1944


    Hi guys Thanks Wayne for the great idea to set up the thread. Lots of interesting piccies and discussion already, which was the whole idea, and really great to see :wink2: I might post one or two piccies of my own over the next few days but am definitely going to put some up on the blog...
  15. richardschulze1944

    Poll Participation

    Hi everyone :salute:: I'm hoping this may be of interest to some of you. I'm trying to get people with an interest in toy soldier collecting, friends and acquaintances, to take part in a poll on my blog concerning the relative merits of featuring articles about Third Reich themed models in toy...
  16. richardschulze1944

    Were you disappointed in 2010 by K&C.

    I'm probably missing something seminal here, but I'm not entirely sure what the references to 'policy and attitude' are alluding to, precisely The only thing I'm 'unhappy' about, and it's been mentioned by others already, is that my wish list keeps getting longer whilst my pockets are...
  17. richardschulze1944

    A very merry christmas to all!!

    Hi everyone Just like to add my good wishes to all those who have already posted Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone Here's to a cracking 2011 :p
  18. richardschulze1944

    Happy Holidays From TCS!

    A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year TCS Got to agree with everyone else here, great products, great prices, excellent value for money, especially your WW2 vehicles, of which I have several and am planning on getting more Looking forward to next year :p
  19. richardschulze1944

    UK Show in Birmingham UK Oct 2010

    Hi Eazy Good to see you there, even if at the time I didn't know who I was 'seeing' The more I see of FL the more I like it. The Crusaders are certainly more like 60mm figures, more like K+C proportions wise. I'm just wondering whether that was deliberate so they would go nicely side by side...
  20. richardschulze1944

    UK Show in Birmingham UK Oct 2010

    Hi chaps Yep, the show is a good one all in all. Mark, you will definitely be seeing me there this year - and I will be spending a small fortune, as you know ;) If you've got the two Teutonic Crusaders from FL, could you bring them along so I can have an ogle? If anyone else here fancies...