Search results

  1. CannonFodder1971

    Civil War Battlefields

    Given that the somewhat deranged Rev. Chivington was involved it is probably unlikely that there was complete truth to the records of the engagement at Glorietta Pass, much less the massacre of Cheyenne at Sand Creek.
  2. CannonFodder1971

    American Revolution

    It wouldn't appear to be uncommon just yet: And if you want to pay 30% extra then there are quite...
  3. CannonFodder1971

    Arnhem 07!!!

    There was indeed an Irish legion, and quite a lot of pro-revolutionary (French and American) sentiment in the 1790s (uprisings too), but there were also quite a few Irish regiments in the British army. And one of the oldest Irish regiments was in the Spanish army. They were wiped out at Girona...
  4. CannonFodder1971

    Arnham staff car

    There is a reference to it alright:
  5. CannonFodder1971

    Arnhem 07!!!

    In the interests of balance I suppose we should add: KURYAKIN
  6. CannonFodder1971

    Are There Too Many King and Country Ranges?

    I think there's merit within different ranges to produce a mini-series or two, eg in WWII there were German cavalry (GC) and Fallschirmjager (FJ) ranges, which no-one expected to fill into a giant DD or WS series but which were still collectible in their own right as the sets within each range...
  7. CannonFodder1971

    WW I Vehicle

    A Zeppelin, fuelled by Forum hot air instead of hydrogen? My hope would be for some early war lorry of some description - face it the mid to late war sets will be quite static, eg defensive German poses v attacking Brits most likely. (Sort of like the early IWJ and DD sets). Some early war...
  8. CannonFodder1971

    THE NAPOLEON THREAD II - For those who still hear the GUNS !! - but wont fire them.

    I was looking for Oscar Wilde's grave in the Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise when I came across those musical types alright: the Chopin followers looked more scary than Jim Morrison's devotees. ----extra----- Forgot to add a link for the French scuptor Jean Carries...
  9. CannonFodder1971

    King & Country Feb. Dispatches

    Thanks Andy, Last year when there was a subdued reaction to the AK and EA releases I thought you might revert to the 'old reliables' of DD and WS for a while but this is truly great to see so much more for the North African campaigns. (Little or no civilian casualties or military atrocities, a...
  10. CannonFodder1971

    Vichy French

    Yes at Bir Hakeim the Gaullists had much to cheer, but this was of course in the context of the British/Commonwealth 8th Army. As far as the Americans were concerned FDR continued to recognise the Vichy puppet regime as the government of France until the Nazis dissolved it in 1942. The fierce...
  11. CannonFodder1971

    ACW King & Country - Looking for ACW 02 - Help

    They seem to have been bought up from most sites now but Larry Simons seems to have a volume of bits and pieces on the secondary market too, so send him a mail and he might have something. The [former?] Texan K&C dealer Gilbert Goodrich had some too up until last year. (His website has...
  12. CannonFodder1971

    Vichy French

    On the matter of uniforms etc for the Vichy French, have a look at this link; it identifies some units which retained the Adrian helmets and the kepis: Upon reflection, those Vichy forces could represent either side, simultaneously! Put a few...
  13. CannonFodder1971

    Vichy French

    Not strictly true but certainly prior to Operation Torch it's as good a yardstick as any. The US Fifth Army ended up with the former Vichy troops as the 'French Expeditionary Corps' (CEF)whilst de Gaulle's smaller Free French troops ended up tagged on to the British 8th Army for a while. In...
  14. CannonFodder1971

    New Stuff???

    Even at 1/192nd scale the Bismarck is 52 inches long! And $10,500 :eek: By those calculations a 1/30th scale would be 300 inches long and $63,000!!!
  15. CannonFodder1971

    KC figures causing trouble!

    The photographer wasn't being completely honest - observe the DD paras descending from the ceiling. In fact a close-up of the shelf above the LAH display would probably show as being an Allied one on closer inspection. It's just a fraud, designed to attract attention to his blog.
  16. CannonFodder1971

    ACW King & Country - Looking for ACW 02 - Help

    Try Dean and Deanna's collectibles: They haven't updated the site in years but I got some TW figures there about a year ago. Great people to deal with. I think Larry Symons (as a Civil War re-enactor) still buys and sells these. Try him at...
  17. CannonFodder1971

    Collection Inventory - How do you keep track of your guys?

    I use Excel but I think Chuck Harris once mentioned that he has an inventory tracking program that works well for toy soliders. (It was quite reasonably priced too).
  18. CannonFodder1971

    27th January 1944, 27th January 1945

    1944 The siege of Leningrad ends after 900 days and perhaps 900,000 deaths: 1945 The Auschwitz concentration camp is liberated, ater 1,500,000 deaths...
  19. CannonFodder1971

    New to the Forum

    Joe, Welcome to the Forum. If you happen to have a spare kidney to sell then head over ot Sergei Ilyashenko's, as he still lists a few St. Petersburg made Russian armoured cars on his website:,76,&category=76&parent=0 An Austin for...
  20. CannonFodder1971

    Happy Birthday Hoogri

    Gelukkige verjaardag!