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  1. M

    Question about the FL Congreve Rocket Artillery

    yes! and it's just killing me to have it sitting in front of me and to not know which one is which! :)
  2. M

    Question about the FL Congreve Rocket Artillery

    I just unwrapped my Congreve rocket group and I noticed that the two rockets that come with the launcher look different. One has cord wrapped around the end, the other is a smooth cylinder (you can see the difference on the FL website). I assuming this represents a historical detail, but I...
  3. M

    Shield Wall!

    Can I ask where you got your turf and trees? It looks great, thank you for the photos
  4. M

    Paint Flaking

    Yeah, seriously, I'm gonna cry if my figures start peeling after all I spent on them
  5. M

    Red lancers with bent lances?

    SWEET! Thank you! That's exactly what I needed to hear. Gonna get me some red lancers for my desk now...
  6. M

    Red lancers with bent lances?

    Good to know there's a place out there for repairs. I tried to straighten a bayonet on one figure and it snapped off entirely, and it was a complete **** show trying to glue it back on. That only cost me $60, but I'm terrified at the idea of trying straighten a lance on a $200 figure. That's...
  7. M

    Red lancers with bent lances?

    I’ve noticed in photos from some dioramas, as well as pre-owned figures on eBay, that the lance of some of the red lancer figures appears bent, or rather that the lengths of the lance extend from the hand at slightly different angles. Is this a common problem? I’d love to get a one, but I find...
  8. M

    How much do pre-owned FL figures generally go for?

    I've just started watching on ebay, and I'm seeing pre-owned figures go for just $10 less than the price of new ones from FL... or, in the case of a Prussian standard bearer, dramatically more than the original asking price of a discontinued figure. Is this typical? For only $10 off, I'd...
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    Wish List for First Legion in 2018

    Yeah, I would like some of the more exotic figures from the era. Here's a few ideas: - Mounted-archer Bashkirs from the Russian campaign - Dromedary cavalry from the Eygptian campaign - Balkan irregular infantry in traditional dress - France's black engineers unit from the West Indies - A full...
  10. M

    Where are FL figures made?

    Not at all. I didn't intend any offense either. I guess I have a hard time imagining things outside of my own experience. I remember painting figures when I played D&D and War Hammer as a teenager. Somehow I imagined that only folk like me would be painting figures. Its a big world though...
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    Where are FL figures made?

    Fascinating, I stand corrected. Thanks!
  12. M

    Where are FL figures made?

    For some reason I imagined that the painting would be the one thing they did in the US. I didn't think that China would have much of a domestic talent pool for painting figures, but I suppose with a billion people they could find some. I wonder if they hired figure painting hobbyists to go...
  13. M

    Where are FL figures made?

    The box says "Made in China", but does this refer to the box? the metal? the painting?
  14. M

    NAP0562 French Camp Life Sexy Cantiniere Pre-Order!

    Nice figure, but you might have run a bit afoul of your commitment to historical realism calling her a Cantiniere... Not that I'm complaining mind you ;)
  15. M

    Charge at Borodino battle

    Amazing, I am so **** jealous it hurts.
  16. M

    What time period is the most popular with FL collectors?

    Agreed, they're like eye-candy. Ever since I started lining them up on my desk in front of my monitors I can't take my eyes off them. I'm glad I found this site, otherwise I'd think I was the only man in the world who was obsessed with tiny Napoleonic soldiers...
  17. M

    What time period is the most popular with FL collectors?

    I've just recently become obsessed with collecting Napoleonic figures from FL, and was surprised to see that they made figures for so many different eras. Do people have a sense of what time periods are the most popular? Thanks
  18. M

    Small LED spotlights for a diorama?

    Thank you for the suggestions! This helps a lot!
  19. M

    Small LED spotlights for a diorama?

    Hello everyone, This is my first post here, and I'd really appreciate any advice you have... I'm trying to build a diorama on my office desk, on a shelf upon which my monitors rest. Does anyone have any knowledge of small LED lights which I could position to highlight the model soldiers? I...