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  1. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Adding the ground to the gun pit. Adding prime mover tracks Adding heavy tracks in the bottom of the pit representing the wheels of a Pak43. The closest thing I had to the right width was my magnifying glass, improvise, adapt, overcome. The intent is to fill these tracks with...
  2. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Added posts to the corners of the retaining wall and back filled the dirt. Building up the berm surrounding the gun pit
  3. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Time to add tracks. On the autumn creek crossing we added a single track. This time I wanted to add multiple tracks of different types to give the impression that an armored unit with multiple vehicle types had passed by. First up a generous layer of celluclay A few passes of an Opel Blitz...
  4. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Painting and installing the retaining wall.
  5. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    We've been busy so not a lot of progress. Hopefully over Christmas we'll have some more time to work on this. So the dirt around the gun pit dried strangely, shiny and dark, and I'm not convinced it's quite high enough once another layer of cellu-clay goes on the rest of the board to facilitate...
  6. fmethorst

    Battle of the Bulge 1944-45

    I knew early on groundwork is the key element in dioramas. For years I'd used off the shelf products with varying degrees of success. Usually the various dio pieces were too small to achieve the depth of field I prefer. This is what led me to build my own over the last few years. For those who...
  7. fmethorst

    Battle of the Bulge 1944-45

    December 1944
  8. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Building up "dirt" around the edge of the gun pit. This should have come from the material removed when creating the pit. Additional material will be used on the bunker. Adding raw umber acrylic paint to the wet celluclay. This is done to facilitate pressing rocks into the ground work.
  9. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    The new bit arrived. I put the dowels into the vise was able to drill a 3/8" hole through them. This creates two saddle notches. Testing placement of the log base in the gun pit with a couple of models. Gluing the logs in place. We'll be adding celluclay ground in the remainder of...
  10. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Working on the groundwork. Sanding a ramp into the gun pit. Adding the first celluclay We ordered some different sized toothed belts to help create tread tracks.
  11. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Working on the groundwork. Sanding a ramp into the gun pit. Adding the first celluclay We ordered some different sized toothed belts to help create tread tracks.
  12. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    A little more progress. Painting and filing 3/8" dowels create decent looking logs. We decided to use a saddle notch for the log bunker but we ran into some challenges with tear out. We've ordered a different bit to attempt to remediate the issue.
  13. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Hi all, This winter's project is a Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene. Last years Creek diorama: To start we used a 40" x 48" piece of 3/4" plywood. While this base is thick and heavy it provides sufficient...
  14. fmethorst

    Stalingrad 1942-43

    It's been a while since I've shown this thread some attention. These shots feature many of the original Stalingrad release figures and models. I was fortunate to get one of the custom numbered Pz.IIIs back in the day when the series was just getting started. These figures are still some of my...
  15. fmethorst

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    20mm Flak 38 emplaced in a factory ruin and used in the ground attack role.
  16. fmethorst

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    February, 1943 - Third Battle of Kharkov
  17. fmethorst

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    Hi all, I'm starting a photo thread in the War Park section that will feature scenes that primarily contain War Park figures and vehicles. That is not to say I won't mix other manufacturers figures into the scenes where it makes the scene better, just that the majority of items in the scene...
  18. fmethorst

    War Park Sneak Peak

    I've used 1 gauge Märklin trains and track which scale to 1:32. I'm unsure if the Warpark models fit on the 1.75" track.
  19. fmethorst

    Pak 43 Ambush

    Pak 43 ambush:
  20. fmethorst

    War Park Sneak Peak

    From what I've seen museums are pretty bad at getting historical details correct, including camo and paint colors, which is ironic because that's their raison dêtre. Hard edge camo is pretty much a factory thing so this should be post September 1944. I was waiting for this release, but I'm...