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  1. Canadian Samurai

    Figarti (Chicago Team) New German Heer MG Team

    Ha! Noticed the Volstad inspiration too eh Nasir? :) I was just about to post that. I was very fortunate to meet and talk with Ron Volstad for quite a while two years ago at a 1/6th show here in Canada (he is Canadian). I can tell you he's an extremely nice guy. He signed a dragon box and a...
  2. Canadian Samurai

    Band of Brothers "hell's highway game

    Good to know you like it. I'll definitely be picking this up one of these days for PC or Xbox360.
  3. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    The North American automakers have one shot to regain their market share, by leading the way on the switch to electric vehicles. If they don't do this they're toast.
  4. Canadian Samurai

    Tstv pulling its hair out at otsn2008

    Despite technical problems, thanks for covering the show for us. You did a super job last year.
  5. Canadian Samurai

    K&C News from Chicago Show

    This isn't news to anyone here, we've been beaten over the head with the "Japanese and Russians don't sell" line. The bigger mystery is: Who's the wise guy (or dreamer) who keeps asking Andy that question in every interview? :p It's like they're just out to annoy him at this point. :D
  6. Canadian Samurai

    Andy's Talk at 2008 Chicago Show

    I hope we see a 155mm howitzer not a 105mm which Forces of Valor has already done a superb job rendering, albeit at a smaller scale.
  7. Canadian Samurai

    Collector Issue 21 is up...

    Now that's a good collector's issue, full of lots of interesting things and pictures of sets we've never seen before. Not just another glorified advertisement. Props to Andy for this one. I really like the green quad tractor and blue legionnaires. Also, I told you guys last April 1st, that K&C...
  8. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers...
  9. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    But you have no problem scapegoating the government? Likewise I think saying "Green is the new Red" is "Demonization worthy of a Ministry of Propaganda, and certainly not conducive to reasoned debate or discussion of the issue". Please stop with the double standards. Let's just admit that...
  10. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    I pretty much agree with you guys on this point. Here's the problem though, and I'd be interested if you could come up with an alternative solution: How exactly do you fix an economy (and this is all over the Western world) that is basically drowning in debt? Where the amount of personal...
  11. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    I will say this John, that while we don't agree on how to solve some of these issues, it's actually quite refreshing to see someone like yourself who worries so much about the future and how decisions today will impact it. So many people nowdays have their heads buried in the sand like...
  12. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    There were regulations in place in the 1960's concerning banking and lending requirements that would have probably stopped this problem from developing the way it has. But if you're not a fan of those rules (which really aren't expensive to have or enforce), don't despair, with the government...
  13. Canadian Samurai

    Best Movie Sountrack

    Movie/game soundtracks are my favourite genre of my music. I agree with several people’s selections but here are a few more of my favourites off the top of my head that haven't been mentioned yet: -The 13th Warrior by Jerry Goldsmith (so good they borrowed a piece from it for Kingdom of Heaven)...
  14. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    Regulating financial markets is now considered socialist too? Well I guess the entire Western world will be turning socialist in the coming months because a little bird told me the public is understandably a bit upset about this whole affair and wants measures implemented to make sure it doesn't...
  15. Canadian Samurai

    Monarch Regalia

    Nope unfortunately, but every figure they make can be seen on Tedtoy.
  16. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    In this global economy, being from a "foreign" country is pretty much irrelevant - and perhaps an asset like standing on the side of the road gives you a better perspective on a car crash maybe? Also, as you implied yourself the overzealous housing boom was not exclusively a US phenomenon, it...
  17. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    That might actually be a good way to handle it John. Put the profits to work for the people for a change.
  18. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    Beautiful. :) Greed is a powerful incentive for economic progress, but if no boundaries are in place to control it (be it government, religion or a personal code of ethics), it will end up destroying us all.
  19. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    Same old song, when things are going right, it's always because of the genius of private enterprise, when things go wrong it's always government to blame. Sorry, don't buy it. It was the private sphere, driven by the entirely private interest of GREED, that thought it could make a few more...