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    The Glory of Rome

    I realise this may be tempting fate but Mark and I, at TMTerrain, are very excited as we have a parcel full of the new Roman figures (rom001 to ROM016!!!) winging its way to us from China that should be with us for the show. Matt has pulled out all the stops and got us a few sets of ROM001 to...
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    New street fighting diorama

    Thanks for the comments about the diorama. I hope you don't mind but can I take this opportunity to plug my new blog: I am trying to cover my terrain projects as well as explaining how I do things so hopefully make it useful to readers who want to give...
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    TMT Blog

    Hi Just a quicky to update everyone on the blog. I have started a series of posts that will chart the leadup to the Toy Soldier show on the 25th. The first post is really just an introduction to the show with a few pictures. I hope to post how the dio building is doing and any news of new...
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    Sammy's Eastern Front Dio pics

    Hi guys Thanks for all the great comments. I really enjoyed making it and I am looking forward to working with Sammy on a winter dio later this year. I love seeing it populated with troops- it makes it come alive. I always try to take some photos of what I have made before I ship it but hardly...
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    TM Terrain's David - Quite a talented chap

    Hi guys Thank you for all the comments and posting all the photos. You are right that I must post more photos of the stuff I do between shows. I make these models and dios full time so there is a alot more I can post. We do have over 600 photos in the gallery on our web site so hopefully...
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    London Show Images

    Mark I hadn't thought about it until I starting reading the reaction on TF and how much everyone likes it. I don't see why I can't. I have another one to make already and I will have to do something else for the March show as there will be loads more Crusaders by then so if there is more...
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    London Show Images

    Thanks guys fore all the comments about the First Legion Crusader diorama I made to display their Crusader range. I could have sold it three times over and I have one commission to make another. I had struggled to come up with an idea for the display until I was looking at the box lid for one of...
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    First Legion Eastern Front Diorama

    I am very pleased how the layout is coming along. Once all the ground work is done and a bit more weathering on the blocks of offices it should look very fought over. I have added a couple of holes in the side of the buildings and a blown out window or two with the thought of the Russian AT gun...
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    Sammys eastern dio.

    Thanks for Sammy for putting the photos up. Sammy is right that everyone at the London Show in December will see it first but I will be doing some photos for him before the show so hopefully that will keep you going Sammy until you get the parcel before Christmas. It has been difficult to save...
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    Sammys eastern dio.

    This is the first of a series of posts describing the progress of Sammys diorama I am doing for him. This is just a taster really, showing you the centre piece of the display- the Church of St George is an Early Christian red brick rotunda. It was built by the Romans in the 4th century and it...
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    London June show Pics

    All the terrain on our layouts were or are for sale. The ruined buildings that had the CS paras in are still available but the Stalingrad building has gone.If you are interested and want more info then email me Hopefully over the next week or two I will be adding some older displays to our web...
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    First Legion in London on Saturday

    The new PZ111 will be at London. Matt has got a small supply to us in time along with the wonderful Russian AT gun and crew. Mark and I have had a quick look (we can't resist) and they both look great. See you on Saturday. David TMTerrain
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    London Show displays

    We have lots going on for the London Show this weekend and I have been working hard to produce dioramas to show a load of new stuff released from John Jenkins and First Legion. I have another display of Gordon at Khartoum that went down very well last time. John has also sent us some of the new...
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    New releases for july 2010

    Great news for everyone coming to the London Show this weekend. John has been able to get us some boxes of the new Gordon Highlanders to us as well as some of the other new codes for July. I have done a small diorama for the Highlanders so come and see us in the usual spot and get involved in...
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    Death of Gordon Diorama for John Jenkins figures

    Thanks guys for the feedback. I remember trying to think of a diorama that would really show off Johns wonderful work so we could display it properly at the March show. I was really pleased how it turned out. Louis, I hope you get hours of pleasure out of it. For everyone coming to the show in...
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    London March show photos

    Hi Louis I would love to Louis. Email me and we can sort out details etc. David TMterrain
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    New web site

    Bob We just do the inputting. The clever stuff we leave to someone else! David
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    FWI Forts by TM Terrain

    Now you come to mention it, I have made a section of the building to display John's stairs on in the SUD01 set. I thought it would make a good display for the London Show this weekend. I will try to get some photos of it on next week or keep an eye on the new web site as I am trying to get new...
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    Age of the Samurai Pre-Order!

    For all you UK buyers the full listing of this great latest release is on our new web site including prices and pictures: You can place advanced orders with us if you don't want the hassle of dealing with the UK Customs...
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    let's see your First Legion collection

    You can see lots of shots of the WW2 figures in our new gallery on the new web site. You can also buy them in our new on line store. Go and have a look at: David and Mark TMterrain