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    John Buxton Art

    MIKE...The deserter is one of my favorites great job.
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    Robert Griffing Art

    MIKE...GREAT..GREAT pictures and a very good history of all prints would be nice to own some of them.....And some very nice highlander prints you are back in the great MANITOUS grace.
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    David Wright Art

    MIKE.....Great pictures of different indian nations.
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    Pamela Patrick Wright Art

    DOUG...Was there different head gear worn by 42nd....60th....77th. at BUSHY RUN.
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    Battle of Monongahela...Part II...Braddock's Revenge

    MIKE....I dont know! I think i will have to turn on the GREAT SNOW FAN and SNOW MACHINE to slow down your attack. Have fun old buddy we are watching you in the far north......ha..ha,,keep up the good work.
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    Collector's Club wish list

    MIKE....Thanks for the great links you posted on this forum.....It will be of great help to me and others. As a peace offering i will shut down the great snow machine for you.
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    London Show 5th December 2009 Photo's & Report

    TO ALL INVOLVED IN TAKING OF PICTURES.............My compliments and many thanks for the great pictures and your time......This is one time of the year i would like to be in MERRY OLD ENGLAND.....thanks again guys.
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    VEH003 SdKfz 232 Preview Image...

    MATT...Thankyou for showing veh003 a great looking machine. Will be watching forum for pre orders and will you have price by then. thanks.
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    What's in store for January

    MIKE...Glad you mentioned flour bags the boys are getting very hungry. I would be very happy if JOHN would only make just one of those highland regs. If you dont behave i will send you some snow...ha..ha.
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    John Jenkins Designs 2010 Calendars

    MIKE..DOUG..RANDY...Great idea of a catalog of JOHN,s releases like you say after a while of collecting most of his releases and his future releases it sure would be a great help. Good luck guys.
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    What's in store for January

    DOUG....Thanks for posting some great pictures of BUSHY RUN. I sure hope JOHN decides to do it. He said he is making new sets of indians, all we would need is 6 to 8 sets of highlanders and if we need more we can double up on some sets.
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    What's in store for January

    MIKE...I was browsing looking for soldiers and came upon site had soldiers and prints. I thought of you but did not know how to click on pictures. I dont even remember where it was i was on auctions and all over. If i come across it i will put it on favorites and let you know.
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    fake JJ

    MARCO55....Never seen this set on frontline or J.J. listings. Would be interesting to see one.
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    The Prisoner

    MIKE....Be carefull with prisoner..........Could be great great...great...great...relative.
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    What's in store for January

    HI DOUG.....Looking at some pictures on computer the other day i came across 2 from bushy run....It would make a very nice series.
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    Card Players

    MIKE...Nice job.....i would like his hand in a big poker game....could buy lots of goodies.
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    Customized for my collection

    CUTTING ARROW....Great work really looks sharp.....I would like to be your neigbour i would have some jobs for you....keep up the nice work.
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    Do you think we will see Americans in the D'Day range next year?

    ANDY...Any chance of getting more 3rd. inf. and big red one in 2010 could use reinforcements..........thanks
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    Your favourite release of 2009

    my vote canadian troops which i hope we see more...and battle of the bulge.......keep up the good work......ANDY.
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    News from the frontline!

    HI TOM.....Good luck on your new move. Looking forward to receiving your new sets and future sets. All the best to you and company.