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  1. sv288

    Minutemen Toy Soldiers Room and Show pics

    Some very nice dios. Thanks for pics.
  2. sv288

    Chicago Show '08

    Thank you guys for the pictures.
  3. sv288

    Chicago Show Room/Tedtoys-Monarch/Unknown Figures

    Dang that place is big!!!:eek:
  4. sv288

    2008 OTSN - Favorite Rooms - Norm and Kay Rodiguez

    Are those some old high landers from the 80's by KC.
  5. sv288

    Chicago 2008 Treefrog Photos

    Thanks for the pics, Shannon.
  6. sv288

    2008 OTSN - Favorite Rooms - Medallion Miniatures

    Dang those are some really nice St. Petersburg figures. I would have to say my favorite ones are the Napoleonic and the samurais.
  7. sv288

    King and Country Glossy

    I see the really old WW1 pilot figures on ebay right now. Just to let you know.
  8. sv288

    Who here is buying the new king tiger!!!!

    I can't to see it up close with my two eyes.:D
  9. sv288

    Who here is buying the new king tiger!!!!

    It looks very good. Its not 1/32 this time. I hope to get one in the near future.
  10. sv288

    Tiger repaint

    OMG:eek:That is very good. You really need to do something about that art skill of yours. Good thing I live close to you. I would love to see those repaints of the vehicles you have.
  11. sv288

    New K&C Plan

    I really want to focus on the crete guys rather than just the 2007 figures but not the vehicles.
  12. sv288

    King and Country Glossy

    Thanks jazzeum.
  13. sv288

    King and Country Glossy

    Can you show me some pictures Louis.:rolleyes:
  14. sv288

    Pz IV comparison

    That is one heck of a nice tank great job Figarti.
  15. sv288

    K&C compared with The Oryon Collection

    King & Country looks a lot better to my oppion.
  16. sv288

    Recent Discovery - 1918 German Armor

    Those are some pretty funny pictures there. Great dio.:D
  17. sv288

    King and Country Glossy

    Does Louis have any of the Prussians in the old Napoleonic series with the skulls on there hats.
  18. sv288

    King and Country Glossy

    That’s pretty neat stuff. I've seen his collection at Sagers site. I think Louis has the rarest collection in the world. I like the eight army lumber car that is towing the 25lber.
  19. sv288

    Badolato Collection Photos

    That is one heck of a rare collection it would probably take couple of years for me to have my collection to be really really big.
  20. sv288

    new september waffen ss sets

    Those new figures do look pretty darn good.