Search results

  1. PJDeluhery

    Bastion Fort - French & Indian War

    All I can say is: WOW! Fantastic modeling work! This deserves to be someplace where people can see it.
  2. PJDeluhery

    How's the Weather?

    Noreaster is barreling up the US East Coast. Batten down the hatches and lay in plenty of adult beverages and snacks!! Good day to paint!
  3. PJDeluhery

    Need help with lighting on diorama

    Here's the System I use. It's called under (kitchen) cabinet cable lighting. You string a cable and the fixtures have sharp "V" shaped points that pierce the wire and conduct the current to the bulb. Cable runs the whole right side of my cabinet and fixtures plug into the cable. Whole system is...
  4. PJDeluhery

    Need help with lighting on diorama

    BTW, you want to light from the side of each shelf and not from the top or bottom of the cabinet. This will prevent figures, mats, etc from blocking the light. My spotlights provide a nice "hot spot" I can direct to the main point fo interest - which I like.
  5. PJDeluhery

    Need help with lighting on diorama

    I had this problem until I met a carpenter that was a train collector! He got me started with minifixtures. They are DC powered (you need powersource somewhere off to the side), and there are many different fixtures you can plug in to light you shelves any way you like, I use mini spotlights. If...
  6. PJDeluhery

    Fixing a Britain (Help!!)

    It can be done with a set of micro drillbits (look for size 0.0XX) and a hand drill. If you want the thing to look decent and the join to last, you'll have to invest in some equipment - either to drill or, as Brad sugests, to make a channel for the wire. If you just glue the two ends together...
  7. PJDeluhery

    News about "Napoleon1er"

    Ahhha, pips! I musta blocked that memory from my high school days. I wore them too as a company commander. Then we went to felt overlays on the epilets - which were always twisting and becoming otherwise untidy. Glad you're back "on the air" Sandor. Walt, we'll have to have a little...
  8. PJDeluhery

    News about "Napoleon1er"

    Thanks for that information, Sandor. I'm sure you'll be rising rapidly in the ranks as your time there progresses. Musta been good to get that cow poop (insignia?) off your shoulders! {sm3}
  9. PJDeluhery

    JJD Stockade Fort - Reissued by Hobby Bunker, Inc.

    Great idea, Matt! I'm sure the foam pieces will be easier and lighter to handle. I'm making a note of this for our next Museum display in W Mass.
  10. PJDeluhery

    News about "Napoleon1er"

    That means he's through with boot camp and on to now being a cadet (vs pond scum :) ). Congrats, Sandor!! Very well done.
  11. PJDeluhery

    All Quiet on the Western Front - silent version

    This is the only reference I can find - in several places - to what you have seen. Looks like its the same film. I'd love track it down. Maybe more luck over the weekend Some interesting stills here...
  12. PJDeluhery

    Paint thoughts...

    Not much to add to what is said below, but you did not indicate the scale. If you are new to painting, I would advise starting with 54mm or larger - you have more room to work and it's easier on the eyes. If you are buying paints, I'd advise acrylics. The first few figures you do are a...
  13. PJDeluhery

    All Quiet on the Western Front - silent version

    I'm a big fan of silent films. The TCM database lists only the 1930 and 97 (?) versions. i'm going to try to track down the silent version mentioned below. I'd love to see it. The 1930 version is one of my all-time favorite moveis. THANKS for sharing this with us. I'm a TCM fan. but missed this...
  14. PJDeluhery

    Connoisseur Chicago Show Pictures

    Fantastic pictures of some truly marvelous figures, Frank. Thanks for posting these so we all can enjoy them.
  15. PJDeluhery

    Samurai series

    I'd echo what Alex and others have siad below. The knights are great, but the samurai are extraordinary. I would have collected both, but cost was an issue so I settled on the Samurai, and they look great next to my St. Pete samurai. But, in the end, you can't make a bad choice. Enjoy!
  16. PJDeluhery

    Oh my....

    Still interested in the photos, Sandor.
  17. PJDeluhery

    Fixing a Britain (Help!!)

    I suggest cutting a paper clip so that you have a bit straight wire to use as a pin; then drill a hole in each end of the broken foot; then glue into each hole with a two part epoxy. Good luck.
  18. PJDeluhery

    News about "Napoleon1er"

    Sandor is in touch with me by snail mail from military shcool, and I have agreed to relay his messages to you until he returns to the internet and can do so himself. Right now, Sandor is in the "boot camp" phase of the year, which lasts for the first two months. Many of us can recall those days...
  19. PJDeluhery


    Thanks, Trooper. I tried googling and could not connect. Do you have a link?
  20. PJDeluhery

    It's hard to be British in America

    Due to the degenrated condition of our langauge and culture, I can't understand many so-called "Americans" when they speak; except for the South, which accent is a national treasure. The Brits are a welcome relief. ^&grin