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  1. N

    Nothing New in 2013

    Stad's comments read like he is unhappy with PM reporting of this matter. No Barzso had no prototypes on display but he was heard to say he may do Yorktown next.
  2. N

    Nothing New in 2013

    PLayset Mag without naming names seems to be hinting strongely that Barzso will NOT have a new Playset this year at OTSN nor will it release one at all. See latest issue of PM and see if you read it the same way I do. -Frank
  3. N

    How do Steve Weston's Bandidos match in scale with AIP Japanese Infantry?

    Tony at AIP told me a year or so ago that when his Jap Infantry were released I would find they would make good Federal Mexican troops -Frank
  4. N

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Wish they did a Battery Wagon and Field Forge.
  5. N

    Yaaaay AIP!

    Same old Same old ......except the 1812 seem a bit different.
  6. N

    Houston Texas College Shooting

    Is that the Policy ?? If it is I find it silly. This is as you say a TOY SOLDIER FORUM. -Frank
  7. N

    Lance Armstrong Interview with Oprah Winfrey

    This is a Soldier site isn't it ?? So why post about this guy .......
  8. N

    TSSD US Cavalry 54mm

    Some TSSD ACW figures in there too ? And a Conte ACW ?
  9. N

    Old Westerns being rerun

    IMHO it wasn't that good.
  10. N

    Britain's ACW Re-Paints

  11. N

    New Releases For January 2013 - Part Two

    Yes for Summer wear.
  12. N

    Another Closed Thread?

    "This is a toy soldier forum, not a political one." -P. Ruess
  13. N

    CW Plastic troops from "EXPEDITIONARY FORCE"

    TSSD says they are a "True 54mm". Steve Weston states they are more MARX/Accurate/Imex like in scale and will not fit TSSD/Conte ......
  14. N

    Austin Miniatures

    This is what I saw on the WEB not really, propably won't be available for anoher eight months. Probably offered in a bag of 12 in six poses. Replaced the kneeling, firing cowboy with a Mexican Bandito, rifle on hip, pointing pistol. That's about all the news for now. Thanks for asking!
  15. N

    Set 24 to be more US cavalry!!

    How many do you have in those "Troops".
  16. N

    The Walking Dead, season 3 and Comicbook Men........

    My take on this is they cant bite and they cant claw her and their scent will her from other Walkers
  17. N

    Plastic Pricing

    So sorry the post struck you wrong. Yours did the same to me. Cheap ? hahahaa get another hobby or another job ? Barzso just turned out a set of figs (16) for $22.00 in a full color box. Also made in China. Therefore the price seemed high to me.
  18. N

    Plastic Pricing

    I read that it was 8 figures on a blister card for $22.00 .........
  19. N

    A few More Arabs for Tom B.

    Seems strange to me one is firing with his left hand.......
  20. N

    Any new plastics in Chicago???

    So I guess the Austin Cowboys are huge then. Nice to see Ron state his new figures are Accurate/Imex/Marx size. Frank