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  1. Samuel Alonso

    "Vivé l'Empéreur!", 7th Rgt. Hussar, Spain 1808 (28mm)

    A real beautiful dio ! And I like the way you paint them...
  2. Samuel Alonso

    Crusader/Knights/Saracens Dioramas

    I like it ! And would like to play with it ! :)
  3. Samuel Alonso

    Scots Greys Charging

    Very nice pics !
  4. Samuel Alonso

    Bavarian assualt! 1812

    Nice diorama, on an unusual subject ! Thank you for sharing it with us. Samuel
  5. Samuel Alonso

    The Prussians advance

    Great dioramas ! I'm found off this kind off large reconstitution, with huge number off troups. Did you decide on wich 1813 battle you will work ?
  6. Samuel Alonso

    Napoleonic battles editing photos ....

    As always, wonderful ! Décidément, on se croise partout !
  7. Samuel Alonso

    Nile River Gun Boat Diorama with Trophy Figures

    Nicely made ! Do you have others pictures of it ?
  8. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    Good evening ! I promised to post some pics of another diorama made few month ago. I called it "Halle's Gate Fighting", it shows another part of the battle of nations, Leipzig 1813, a fight beetwen polish troops and french young guard on one side, and russian troops on the other side. Feel...
  9. Samuel Alonso

    My Kampfgruppe Peiper (BoB) Dio

    +1 ! Nice dio, but disapointing wall...:confused:
  10. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    Thank you ! Proud ? Yes, a little bite, just a little bit ! :o:o:o I posted a lot of new pictures on my blog, about an other diorama called "Halle Gate Fighting". Have a look on it, I will share some pics on the forum soon...
  11. Samuel Alonso

    30mm flats dioramas

    Impressive ! :eek:
  12. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    In fact, my two old boys started to collect figs few month ago... they don't resist temptation ! And I'm proud of that !
  13. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    Thank you Gebhard for this nice post ! I hope to see your backing up on this forum soon...
  14. Samuel Alonso

    Highland Square 1815

    Really impressive : a real pleasure for the eyes !
  15. Samuel Alonso

    Assault on Hougoumont

    Looking nice !
  16. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    It takes 3 days and that was a real pleasure to set all those figures on the dio, if I compare with all the time spent to paint them... After the setting up, I made hundreds of pictures and... I had to clean up the room for the sunday service : it takes place in a church ! :o...
  17. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    Some pics of the dio... you can find new pics everyday on my blog.
  18. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    :o... thank you ! It encourage me to do something new ! I made a "small" dio last month, and will post some pics one my blog later !
  19. Samuel Alonso

    1813 Leipzig diorama

    To paint so many figures, I had to choose beetwen quantity and quality... I choose quantity ! It means that you have to look at details ! I was alone to paint that, but now, my two old childs are starting to paint figs ! :)
  20. Samuel Alonso

    French Napoleonic Camp

    Amazing ! It looks real... And you choose and interesting and rare napoleonic campaign !