Search results

  1. Bid_kahuna

    Noticed there are 2 versions of AIP WW1 US Marines/Doughboys

    I've been getting interested in WW1 figures lately, with Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day coming up. I dug out my AIP US Marines at Belleau Wood that I haven't looked at in years since I bought them in 2003 and noticed that the poses are completely different from the poses I currently see online...
  2. Bid_kahuna

    Best glue for Conte Canadian made rubbery plastic?

    I glued my Conte figures' arms and weapons etc. in with Loctite Superglue, but it never seems to make a permanent bond. I'm always having to re-glue things. Is there a better, more long-term glue for these figures? Also, will the same glue work on Ex Force figures, as I am planning on buying...
  3. Bid_kahuna

    My home-made Mexican carreta / tumbrel cart

    Thanks! I kind of cheated with the wheels. I just glued two thin wooden discs together for each wheel and etched them with a pocketknife for the plank look. I used little wooden furniture plugs for the hubs and pieces of craft sticks for the connecting planks. The wheels actually turn, too...
  4. Bid_kahuna

    My home-made Mexican carreta / tumbrel cart

    I wanted a two-wheeled Mexican cart to add a little color to my Southwestern and Mexican setups. BMC and Marx both made carts like these, but I haven't had any luck finding any lately, so I decided to make one myself. I went to Walmart and picked up a few bags of assorted craft sticks. Craft...
  5. Bid_kahuna

    CARTOL Canada

    I grew up in Canada, and I had plenty of Carzol wild west ringhands figures. I think they were licensed by MPC. I never saw the WW2, Pirates or Civil War figures, only cowboys and Indians. I am not really sure how this business situation actually worked out, because we also got the entire...
  6. Bid_kahuna

    Unproduced Esci?

    It was a bummer for sure. But it wasn't actually for a diorama, just an informal series of solo tabletop games (translation: playing with my army men). I wound up using the Esci Warsaw Pact figures that didn't look like they were in winter gear for the Iraqis.
  7. Bid_kahuna

    Dantas inferno playset

    I think they're very appropriate. Every time I eat there, I suffer the tortures of the d***ed.
  8. Bid_kahuna

    Dantas inferno playset

    A couple of artist brothers have made extensive dioramas of Hell using model and toy soldiers. Their names are Jake and Dinos Chapman. Here is the Yahoo image search gallery...
  9. Bid_kahuna

    Unproduced Esci?

    Even today we don't have a regular Middle Eastern army in either 1/72 or 1/32. There are Mujahideen and Taliban from Mars and AIP in 1/32 and the Ultima Ratio and Mars Mujahideen and the urban resistors and militia sets from Caesar in 1/72, but as far as I know, we never got the Iraqi army...
  10. Bid_kahuna

    Unproduced Esci?

    Here is the new release page from the 1993 Esci catalog. Unfortunately, they never were released by Esci. I got this from PSR website. Some of these sets (medieval and American Civil War) would eventually be released by Accurate, but the Romans and Carthaginians, the battlefield accessories...
  11. Bid_kahuna

    Armies In Plastic Mexican Revolution

    Great pictures, Scott! I use my AIP Japanese for Federales as well. I don't have all the wonderful buildings you do but I am working on it. I don't have the Boers or Spanish yet, but I use Reisler Bandidos as Villistas. Steve Weston Bandidos are beautiful sculpts, but just a little too large...
  12. Bid_kahuna


    Is this a conversion or an original sculpt by you? The posture is one of the best standing shooting poses I have ever seen. If it is a conversion, what is the base figure?
  13. Bid_kahuna

    Italeri WW2 AT Gun and Infantry sets... WHY!?!

    It's quite noticeable when they are side-by-side. Gary, BTW, I still intend to send you those figures for conversion. I'm just a little side-tracked right now. Sorry for the delay.
  14. Bid_kahuna

    Italeri WW2 AT Gun and Infantry sets... WHY!?!

    Those are awesome, General! {sm3}
  15. Bid_kahuna

    Big Package from AIP!

    Christmas came early for you! I've mastered the mailbox-to-toybox sneak myself, but never with such large quantities. I salute your skill at hiding your toys from the boss!
  16. Bid_kahuna

    Italeri WW2 AT Gun and Infantry sets... WHY!?!

    Don't get me wrong, I really like these sets and plan on getting their Soviet counterparts soon. I just was a little dismayed that two sets from the same range and scale, from a major manufacturer, were not standardized. My only other wishes for these figures would be to have them in softer...
  17. Bid_kahuna

    Italeri WW2 AT Gun and Infantry sets... WHY!?!

    ^&confuse After several years of stalling, I finally ordered the Italeri PAK 40 & servants and the Elite German Infantry and I have one huge question... Why on earth would Italeri release 2 supposed 1/32 sets with such a size discrepancy? I am assuming it is the same for the 2 Russian sets...
  18. Bid_kahuna

    Britains Khaki Infantry 1/72 Scale

    A Call to Arms released a 1/72 set of these guys as "WW2 British Infantry" in green plastic: In the review of the recasts it says this: " They first appeared in the early 1950s in 1:32 scale as 'Khaki Infantry', and were made by Herald...
  19. Bid_kahuna

    Star Wars Plastics?

    Don't count on getting Darth Vader or the droids. I ordered both sets from Amazon last year and neither set had the "special" figures. I didn't bother to complain because I already had plenty of Darths and droids from my Star Wars Command sets. BTW, I found a listing for the other set at a...