Search results

  1. S

    I need a AWI "FIX"

    Yes, please more AWI, how about a Valley Forge encampment, or bring on the New York, or Delaware regulars. The French or Hessians. So much to want.
  2. S

    AWI Pre-orders?

    Thanks for the heads up on that. So far I have only seen the farm house and the barn. Will there be more?
  3. S

    ROM009-ROM16 Imperial Romans Pre-Order

    I will be ordering these next after I complete the Civil War Gettysburg set. I can't wait.
  4. S

    AWI Pre-orders?

    I just finished the whole series of the militia and British, getting some duplicates of the British to create a larger army. It was task just ordering a few at a time. But I finally just order the last 6 figures to complete the entire AWI series....well until something else is released. I am now...
  5. S

    How are you funding your First Legion collection?

    I thought this might be an interesting topic...How are you funding your First Legion collection? I know these are a little more expensive than other manufacturer's, but you get what you pay for. Since collecting from this company is a little harder on the wallet than others, what are you doing...
  6. S

    Delivery day!!!!

    Now that I had finally completed the american militia, when I heard the UPS brakes screech in front of my house, I said to my wife "Don't say I didn't warn you, but the British are coming!!"
  7. S

    The Glory of Rome

    Oh my goodness, these are a must have.
  8. S

    First Legion American Civil War /Union

    Thanks Gebhard for the comments. And thanks Brad for finding out the info on the preorders. That doesn't give me much time to pick up those rebels, but here is to hoping I can pull it off.
  9. S

    First Legion American Civil War /Union

    I agree with these being the best toy soldiers out there for the cost/quality ratio. Each one is a historical work of art. Each figure is magnificent in it's own right, but when I lined up all my militia they look like an awesome painting. This has made it so exciting to get back into collecting...
  10. S

    progress of my work

    Now that is some eye candy for the diorama lover. Fantastic work!!
  11. S

    First Legion American Civil War /Union

    Thanks for the Welcome guys. I am almost finished with the American militia, and soon ready to start the British line. After that it is on to the Civil War. Then hopefully some Romans, and more Crusaders. I am going to be a First Legion collector only, as it will take a little while to...
  12. S

    First Legion American Civil War /Union

    I have not posted on here for a long time. I used to collect K&C but quit collecting along time ago. My interest in collecting was re-ignited with the offerings from First Legion. I am collecting two of their ranges right now. While I was recently on their website, they have their "Work Bench"...
  13. S

    First Legion - The American Revolution

    This new line is drawing me back in to toy soldier collecting. I quit collecting about 3 years ago, sold all of my K&C pieces. Time to start from scratch. My primary interest is in the American Revolution, and there was not much to choose from at the time when I collected. I will be placing my...
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    What Do You Do For A Living

    Fulltime pizza restaurant owner, full-time dad, full-time husband, but only part of the time. Actually part-time ebay seller, and doing very well at that, but then that's fun.....Mark
  15. S

    AWI Question

    I collect this line first and foremost, and while the line has been expanding slowly, there is some much needed attention to this line, artillery, since you can't find the howitzers and cannon anymore, diorama accessories, plus more americans, french, and some hessians. This line is what made me...
  16. S

    What other hobbies do you have besides K&C

    yes...especially the teenage girls, which I have 3 of right now.
  17. S

    What other hobbies do you have besides K&C

    I also have 8 there's another hobby I have.:):)
  18. S

    What other hobbies do you have besides K&C

    Just curious what other hobbies you guys have, and if you at one point or another had to sacrifice it to buy more k&C soldiers. I collect Star Wars figures as well, and have since I was a kid, at moments I think of how many more soldiers I could buy if I sell my collection....Anybody have a...
  19. S

    Want To Buy Spirit Of 76 George Washington

    I am looking to buy the spirit of 76 standing George Washington. Pm me if you have one to sell...thanks, Mark
  20. S

    Custers last stand

    Put me on the list, I was so excited when Andy 1st announced it, then it was on hold, then Kinda forgot about.