Search results

  1. Mister Dave

    40MM Rev War

    Nice looking little figures. Had a look at the website and at only 2 GBP and some change apiece you could have yourself a sizable display at a reasonable cost. Good work and hope to see more soon. MD
  2. Mister Dave

    24th Foot AZW advice needed

    Thanks guys. Think I will go with a fairly standard brownish leather finish on the part in question. In early stages of working on a really cool looking model whose helmet has come off and is lying on the ground next to him. This exposes the inside bits to view so wanted to avoid any glaring...
  3. Mister Dave

    24th Foot AZW advice needed

    Hoping one of our resident AZW experts can help with advice for the interior construction of helmets worn by 24th foot in Zululand. I am looking at a series of wedge shaped cloth panels that I believe should be green. Also wondering about the composition of the band circling the interior rim...
  4. Mister Dave

    Is first legion edge cutting.

    Simmo, I think for realism, FL has indeed brought the best sculpted figures to the market. And even the worst painted FL figure exceeds the best efforts of the current competition. If you look closely at the work without any bias or agenda it seems quite clear. Price-wise, the gulf between...
  5. Mister Dave

    Bright & Shiney JJD - French Artillery

    Hey Ken. These gloss conversions look fantastic. Really nice job. I think I like them better than the originals too. So nice to look at, you've got me distracted from the matte universe this weekend. I hope you will show us more of your handiwork. MD
  6. Mister Dave

    First Legion & WB AWI for sale

    Just refreshing this thread. Still have these items for sale......:) MD
  7. Mister Dave

    Washington at Ft Necessity

    Really nice looking figure, Walt. And looks like a very successful minor conversion you've done. MD
  8. Mister Dave

    Jager Corps 1776

    Another beautiful work Rod. Agreed about the cool base too. Is this from the guy in Oklahoma by chance? Also wanted to ask about the figure. Don't recognize him. What scale is he? Always love to see your finished projects. MD
  9. Mister Dave

    First Legion & WB AWI for sale

    Still have these 3 items available for sale......
  10. Mister Dave

    First Legion & WB AWI for sale

    Just refreshing this thread. MD
  11. Mister Dave

    BISON (the lord of the Prarie)

    The organization is called, American Prairie Foundation and their website is:
  12. Mister Dave

    BISON (the lord of the Prarie)

    Interesting idea Ales and think the part about raising $ to purchase public land for restoring to native prairie conditions is a good one. Trouble with adopting particular animals in this case is the herd is likely thinned yearly with animals being auctioned off to private herders or farmers...
  13. Mister Dave

    BISON (the lord of the Prarie)

    Now you've got me digging through my photo albums. Here are a couple more images. One is a portion of the sizable herd grazing at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Northwestern North Dakota. The other is a shot of the Bison Interpretive Center situated within the grazing range of the Brule'...
  14. Mister Dave

    Hobby bunker, Inc. is now carrying First Legion Ltd.

    I think I actually agree with you for once. ^&grin
  15. Mister Dave

    BISON (the lord of the Prarie)

    Ales, I admire the sentiment you are intending and no question the fate of the Bison and the Plains Tribes is tragic and regrettable, really is not as dire with the American Bison nowadays as you suggest. There are literally herds of all sizes all over the country. There is one with...
  16. Mister Dave

    First Legion & WB AWI for sale

    The FL Militia group is also now pending sale. Still have the WB and South Lands items for sale. :smile2: MD
  17. Mister Dave

    First Legion & WB AWI for sale

    AWI025 is spoken for. Everything else is still available. :) MD
  18. Mister Dave

    Skirmish line 54 mm

    Thanks Noah. I really appreciate the feedback. Have not done much painting since this was finished unfortunately. Maybe this week will see me more inspired and motivated and all that good stuff. :rolleyes2: MD
  19. Mister Dave

    First Legion & WB AWI for sale

    After much reflection have decided to unload the AWI collection. Most of this is FL, but a couple of WB items also up for sale. First item is a group of 12 FL AWI Colonial Militia figures I would really prefer to sell as a group. Included are AWI01, 02, 04-12 and 19. Asking $400 for the...
  20. Mister Dave

    Painted figures by John Firth

    The first couple of photos are the latest additions from John and there is also a photo of the whole group so far. MD