“Desert Junkers 52” (4 Viewers)

What a superb looking aircraft, love that camo scheme^&cool

As for the price , if I had the cash to spare yes I'd buy it because it's a K&C aircraft and that is my personal first choice of company to collect from. I could buy a kit or plane made of plastic or wooden plane from another company but it simply wouldn't mean as much in my collection. However I'm guessing there are many people who make plastic models who would not want a wooden plane or polystone one either, so it's horses for courses and each to their own I reckon:smile2:

Its all if's and I wish anyway because I've not the cash to buy this beauty! Would look so good with my Crete FJ's too:(

Maybe my numbers will come up on the lotto this Sat!:salute::

Maybe King & Country would do well to find another source for their wooden, museum quality, one of a kind,
collector I have it you don't, that 99 out of a 100 buy...............

After I started collecting in 2004 and wanted to buy warbirds (after seeing Louis Badolato's collection in 2005) -- and this was several years before K & C went back into the warbirds business -- there weren't a lot of options, short of being able to find collectors who wanted to sell theirs. I researched a lot of places on the web and eventually settled on Motion Models. I had met these folks at a show in Valley Forge and heard some good things about them. Over the course of a couple of years, I ordered three. One was great (a Desert Hurricane), one so so (a Beaufighter) and the third (a Tempest), I had to return. The quality was comparable to the pre 2000 K & C Warbirds but not quite as good as those. Aim High Models above looks to be of that style: not very well detailed and frosted windshields; I'm not sure they're in scale either. They don't even look close to Motion Models quality.

Comparing those planes (including the K & C old style and the Motion Models planes) to the new style post 2007 K & C Warbirds, well, there is just no comparison. It's like night and day. Until you have held one of the new ones in your hand, felt the finish and looked at the work, you can't see how great they are. Were they cheap, no, but then again the ones by Motion Models weren't cheap either.

Maybe King & Country would do well to find another source for their wooden, museum quality, one of a kind,
collector I have it you don't, that 99 out of a 100 buy...............


Why don't you make every plane out of polystone, wood and a plastic kit, then you can set up a data base of all 10,000 or so active collectors and send everyone every model plane you produce in the medium of their choice, for free.

A solution that meets everyone's requirements!
I have to agree with Brad that the quality and detail on the K&C wooden warbirds is outstanding. I have all the polystone K&C warbirds whilst they are great they do not come anywhere near my beautiful "G" for George.
This Lancaster which took me nearly six months to decide to buy takes pride of place in my collection. After all it is the greatest British bomber flown by Aussies. The original "G" for George stands majestically in the Australian War Memorial.
Cheers Howard

PS Andy mate, Love that new Desert Junkers. Sindh is a very lucky man.

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I have to agree with Brad that the quality and detail on the K&C wooden warbirds is outstanding. I have all the polystone K&C warbirds whilst they are great they do not come anywhere near my beautiful "G" for George.
This Lancaster which took me nearly six months to decide to buy takes pride of place in my collection. After all it is the greatest British bomber flown by Aussies. The original "G" for George stands majestically in the Australian War Memorial.
Cheers Howard

PS Andy mate, Love that new Desert Junkers. Sindh is a very lucky man.

View attachment 139180

Howard Mate, George is one truly beautiful looking aircraft . Congrats Cobber :salute::
Brilliant planes yes but the only thing i don't like about them (Apart from the price ^&grin)is there to clean,
i don't think any WW2 plane at ANY stage was that shiny but just my personal choice.
If i had the money and the "power" to get K&C to do requests for me i would say make it dirty please.......................^&grin
Brilliant planes yes but the only thing i don't like about them (Apart from the price ^&grin)is there to clean,
i don't think any WW2 plane at ANY stage was that shiny but just my personal choice.
If i had the money and the "power" to get K&C to do requests for me i would say make it dirty please.......................^&grin

Good point mate, I also wouldn't mind weathering on the birds (exhaust and oil stains around the engine cowling, paint scrapes etc) to make them less "clean" looking, but then many collectors prefer the clean and shiny look. At the end of the day, the wooden warbirds look awesome and the detailing is exceptional. Unfortunately I do not own any but I have seen quite a few up close.

Brilliant planes yes but the only thing i don't like about them (Apart from the price ^&grin)is there to clean,
i don't think any WW2 plane at ANY stage was that shiny but just my personal choice.
If i had the money and the "power" to get K&C to do requests for me i would say make it dirty please.......................^&grin
Look butch, everything can't be grey or dirty, ya gots to have a few shiny toys :)...Sammy
Howard's plane is an excellent example of the quality of these planes. You can see some of the fine details in the cockpit and it's beautifully made. One of the things that stands out is the finish. I've never seen planes with this kind of finish and you can see it in the photo. Overall, the plane just stands out, almost leaps off the page.

Howard's plane is an excellent example of the quality of these planes. You can see some of the fine details in the cockpit and it's beautifully made. One of the things that stands out is the finish. I've never seen planes with this kind of finish and you can see it in the photo. Overall, the plane just stands out, almost leaps off the page.


Brad (or anyone who has the answer):

Why is it that people compare un-built model kits to toy soldiers?
Brad (or anyone who has the answer):

Why is it that people compare un-built model kits to toy soldiers?

I would say mate if you had the skill to build a more detailed model at a cheaper price you would find buying a wood plane for 2000USD + a bit rich.
Just my opinion of course either way its still a great plane,but its ok for people to have discussion about it,after all is a public forum.
Im sure if K&C minded they wouldn't post and after all its free publicity................^&grin
Brad (or anyone who has the answer):

Why is it that people compare un-built model kits to toy soldiers?

Panzer Ace

As an ex-teacher my advice is that you first ask 'why is there conflict in the Middle East'. It is better to start with an easy question and build up gradually to the more complex, convoluted ideas. {sm4}{sm4}

I'm not sure I understand the question but people seem to have become fixated over the price of the object rather than the object himself. This is not directed at anyone and probably applies to all of us at one time or another but when I was a kid my uncle had a sign in his garage that said "a cynic is a person who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

Thanks for the explanations. I was not trying to start an argument. I was actually just curious. I thought maybe there was a direct correlation between the two that I might have missed.
if money or space were not a factor, and i had a choice between a wooden version of the ju 52 and a plastic kit, well, that's not much of a choice is it :rolleyes2:

well guys i own two ju 52 wooden warbids with hollowed out windows not taped ones and i got them for half the price from waring warbirds. One is hitlers personal aircraft in silver and black that was at the chicago show and the other is a mediterraenen version in two tone green with the correct markings that i had at the show 2 yrs ago. They are fantastic and once you have hel a wooden ju 52 you wouldn't want anything else. I just have to figure out how to get some pictures on here. Kc's plane does look quite appealing though. My next plane is going to be an italian bomber for north afrika.

Thanks for the explanations. I was not trying to start an argument. I was actually just curious. I thought maybe there was a direct correlation between the two that I might have missed.

I use models in dioramas and appreciate that they are cheaper and, in my case, free up dollars for greater expenditure on toy soldiers. Having spent a few hours in hobby shops recently after the passage of a couple of decades, I was struck by the range of choice and manufacturers that I had never heard of let alone purchased from. Growing up it was Airfix or Tamiya. Today, however, if a type of Spitfire or a German tank was used anywhere there is a plastic model of it - or at least so it seems to me. Perhaps the plastic modellers have been so spoilt for choice it is difficult to accept the confines of an associated, but different, hobby. I see a 1/32nd plastic kit B-17 is on the market for 299 US. Given that I could not possibly do justice to a model of that quality, the K&C version, though still a financial commitment for a hobby purchase, is not entirely unreasonable ... at least to me. If a TS painter in Australia charges one dollar a mm, which I have been quoted, what would a modeller charge for making the B-17? My father makes Wingnuts aircraft for our dios and they are between 60 and 120 dollars each. Even at ten dollars an hour (which he is not getting if he reads this post!) the cost of the kit is easily dwarfed by his time commitment.
I use models in dioramas and appreciate that they are cheaper and, in my case, free up dollars for greater expenditure on toy soldiers. Having spent a few hours in hobby shops recently after the passage of a couple of decades, I was struck by the range of choice and manufacturers that I had never heard of let alone purchased from. Growing up it was Airfix or Tamiya. Today, however, if a type of Spitfire or a German tank was used anywhere there is a plastic model of it - or at least so it seems to me. Perhaps the plastic modellers have been so spoilt for choice it is difficult to accept the confines of an associated, but different, hobby. I see a 1/32nd plastic kit B-17 is on the market for 299 US. Given that I could not possibly do justice to a model of that quality, the K&C version, though still a financial commitment for a hobby purchase, is not entirely unreasonable ... at least to me. If a TS painter in Australia charges one dollar a mm, which I have been quoted, what would a modeller charge for making the B-17? My father makes Wingnuts aircraft for our dios and they are between 60 and 120 dollars each. Even at ten dollars an hour (which he is not getting if he reads this post!) the cost of the kit is easily dwarfed by his time commitment.


Thanks for the great insight. Again, I have nothing against models or model builders. I have seen some K&C Warbirds up close and they are fantastic and I have seen some great model plane kits that have been built up close and I like them too. I just see them as completely different. I simply get lost in the comparison.

I think I am also skewed because I see the collecting side of it too much. For example my wife and I own some art pieces that are on display in our home, some paintings and some sculptures. I could probably paint something similar or take a class and mold something comparable but that would not be collecting to me.
Interesting thread.

What I see is a great looking one off plane commissioned by a collector with the space and money to buy as he chooses. He is clearly happy with his purchase. As have presumably been all others who have bought wooden warbirds.

No doubt those who see a problem with the price will vent their thoughts in other areas where unique aircraft have been posted (ie. Metal shed & Heco etc). Better not bring up that great thread where Lawrence and Louis and others showed us their wooden warbirds.

How about some of the magnificent Russian figures. Perhaps we should be comparing them to $40 unmade metal figure kits rather than just admiring the artistry involved.

It is a sad that K&C can not display these images without attracting negative comments from people who clearly have no interest to buy such items. Now excuse me whilst I go and find a kit build to criticise (having once attempted to build a kit I am an authority on the subject).


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