“Strictly Limited to Multi Optional” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,
Mitch was asking what happened to “Strictly Limited” releases. To give you a little background… We began “SL” back in 2005 with the famous “Winter Tiger” version of the original “Wittman 007” Tiger. Over the years we continued to regularly release all kinds of fighting vehicles and aircraft in that format usually about once every three months.
Most of these were very successful, some more than others. The biggest drawback for K&C was that once an “SL” number was released it was “carved in stone” and, of course, rightly so. But it did not provide either the collector or K&C enough flexibility… And so over the past year or so we’ve moved over to “Multi Optional” which allows us to produce certain numbers of items in a variety of different paint schemes. If one particular version proves more popular we can increase the production run… If another is less popular we can reduce it.
This approach I believe is a “win-win” situation for dealer, collector and manufacturer… No one is sitting on too much stock… and hopefully most folks who want a particular version can obtain it relatively easily.
On a related matter… production runs… Most K&C molds can manufacture 3-400 of any one type before it has to be replaced. Hope this helps.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.Neilson
So, does that mean the end of the SL's?? I would from reading think that was a clear indication they have become rather antiqudated in terms of current sales policies.

Hi Guys,
Mitch was asking what happened to “Strictly Limited” releases. To give you a little background… We began “SL” back in 2005 with the famous “Winter Tiger” version of the original “Wittman 007” Tiger. Over the years we continued to regularly release all kinds of fighting vehicles and aircraft in that format usually about once every three months.
Most of these were very successful, some more than others. The biggest drawback for K&C was that once an “SL” number was released it was “carved in stone” and, of course, rightly so. But it did not provide either the collector or K&C enough flexibility… And so over the past year or so we’ve moved over to “Multi Optional” which allows us to produce certain numbers of items in a variety of different paint schemes. If one particular version proves more popular we can increase the production run… If another is less popular we can reduce it.
This approach I believe is a “win-win” situation for dealer, collector and manufacturer… No one is sitting on too much stock… and hopefully most folks who want a particular version can obtain it relatively easily.
On a related matter… production runs… Most K&C molds can manufacture 3-400 of any one type before it has to be replaced. Hope this helps.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.Neilson
a shift in production strategy indeed; seems like a different type of "SL" so to speak minus the numbered cert etc

So, does that mean the end of the SL's?? I would from reading think that was a clear indication they have become rather antiqudated in terms of current sales policies.
well, it does seem that only K&C and FL don't do regular limited runs on their products. all the other mat makers seem to use it as a norm. Perhaps when folks are asking for other makers to increase production they may take into consideration what has just been said here. While I don't think K&C will adopt an entirely limited number for now who knows how things will change in the future?
Speaking for myself I'm very much enjoying the choice offered by the multi version option. Tilly's, trucks, Dingo armoured cars , great to see a choice of different theaters available to the collector.

I like this strategy too. It is really closer to a "win-win" arrangement, a better solution to balance the risk of over production with that of not meeting the collectors demand. It also embeds a good marketing strategy, because it requires to some extent that your customers follow your product releases closely.
trouble is....it makes me want to buy different versions of the same AFV.....!! {sm2}

Speaking for myself I'm very much enjoying the choice offered by the multi version option. Tilly's, trucks, Dingo armoured cars , great to see a choice of different theaters available to the collector.

trouble is....it makes me want to buy different versions of the same AFV.....!! {sm2}

Oh yes indeed! I now have four different Tilly's!^&grin:wink2:

so.....the business strategy is working ^&grin
as i said before, this is good for the manufacturers and collectors....win-win.......the one thats on the losing side is the wallet!

Oh yes indeed! I now have four different Tilly's!^&grin:wink2:

I had a feeling the SL concept was "retired". ;) I like the Series 250 and multiple versions being released for the reasons already expressed by other collectors (variety, choice etc) however I must say they lack the panache that the SL did. Something about the "limited" certificate really spoke to me. The other advantage to smaller runs I think is the likelihood that we will see rarer more specialized vehicles that appeal to diehards that wouldn't normally be big sellers to the masses. Thanks to Andy for clarifying K&C's new production strategy.
Beauty so this means we should see 2 more versions of the Opel not done yet..........................^&grin
(Winter and Grey)
Beauty so this means we should see 2 more versions of the Opel not done yet..........................^&grin
(Winter and Grey)

Yes, i'll second that at least for a Winter white washed grey version..:wink2:

A very informative thread offered up by Andy.Interesting from the King&Country perspective about the lifespan of the molds and the variant strategy.
I think strictly limited was a bit of a joke. A winter tiger 1 strictly limited years ago are made these days better then they were then. It's just a sales ploy to get you jumping and turning over the dollars fast. Simmo.
I would think that the ''joke'' part of your post then could equally apply to the new 250 series and the in all but name 150 series which, by sheer low number means that you have to act even quicker.

Everything all companies do are sales ploys as they want your money bottom line thats what its about I suppose though there were more of the SL's as they were released in higher numbers sitting not being sold. The HK website is testimony to that as the recovery truck was there for years and there were always at least four SL's available. Mind, there are a few of the 250 and 150 series still easily available so, even they are not flying out the doors.

Overall though, I still liked the whole SL theme better and, its a shame its seems to have gone by the wayside. it just seemed that you were getting something extra for the price. Not bothered about limited at all in terms of numbers as I don't care if I have a one of a kind or, whether everyone has a copy of what I have in my collection or value they were, for me, a nicer set to have

I think strictly limited was a bit of a joke. A winter tiger 1 strictly limited years ago are made these days better then they were then. It's just a sales ploy to get you jumping and turning over the dollars fast. Simmo.
I think strictly limited was a bit of a joke. A winter tiger 1 strictly limited years ago are made these days better then they were then. It's just a sales ploy to get you jumping and turning over the dollars fast. Simmo.

I thought the term "strictly limited" by King&Country meant the published production number was a limited number
As stated. Pretty straight forward IMO....^&cool
I thought the term "strictly limited" by King&Country meant the published production number was a limited number
As stated. Pretty straight forward IMO....^&cool

Yes very straight forward. But still a market tool for sales. Nothing wrong at all with this and just good business. I can see why people get a few and resell at a later date. I see nothing wrong with this either. Simmo.{sm4}
I would think that the ''joke'' part of your post then could equally apply to the new 250 series and the in all but name 150 series which, by sheer low number means that you have to act even quicker.

Everything all companies do are sales ploys as they want your money bottom line thats what its about I suppose though there were more of the SL's as they were released in higher numbers sitting not being sold. The HK website is testimony to that as the recovery truck was there for years and there were always at least four SL's available. Mind, there are a few of the 250 and 150 series still easily available so, even they are not flying out the doors.

Overall though, I still liked the whole SL theme better and, its a shame its seems to have gone by the wayside. it just seemed that you were getting something extra for the price. Not bothered about limited at all in terms of numbers as I don't care if I have a one of a kind or, whether everyone has a copy of what I have in my collection or value they were, for me, a nicer set to have

Maybe the word joke was a little over the top. Thanks for pointing this out to me. Simmo.{sm3}
Yes very straight forward. But still a market tool for sales. Nothing wrong at all with this and just good business. I can see why people get a few and resell at a later date. I see nothing wrong with this either. Simmo.{sm4}

Well I hate to dissapoint the peanut gallery but my last selling activities have ended last week. Focusing on my new job,Earning extra money to buy what I want to keep for my own collection and that is.......that. :tongue:
Whilst I post infrequently, I find your reference to the "Peanut Gallery" a cracker.

I hope your new job is a success and you continue to pursue your hobby of collecting toy soliders anyway you see fit.



PS I do not consider "Simmo's" comment to contribute to the "Peanut Gallery", more a comment from the heart.

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