“To Por not to P… That is the question.” (3 Viewers)


Del prado did 4 figures for £20 or just over when they came out when I was at Uni. I wonder what the peasant/starter level of K&C will cost??

Considering DP was all K&C made it will be interesting to see the differences in the three ranges. So far P level does not seem any different to what is available now and, what could be called ''mainstream''

I wonder if there will be a coming transformation to ensure there is a clear difference mainstream now becomes P and two lesser levels enter the fray???

Mitch ,

With the pic's I have posted...I recently purchased the DP german cavalry for $19 , the Hachette polish cavalry I bought about two years ago for about $40 or $45 off e-bay...The DP Romanian soldier cost around $13...
So , if you compare that to current K&C pricing of $45 foot & $79 horse , I would wager a guess & say K&C may price the lower level just above these prices...maybe $20 - $25 foot soldiers & $ 40 - $45 for horse ?!
Just a guess !


Lets hope the Tommies were not thinking of them with Blond hair and blue eyes!!!{eek3}{eek3}:wink2:

.....after nearly 5yrs of conflict, I suppose anything with legs and a tail was starting to look good{eek3}^&grin:tongue:

Certainly will be interesting to see what is released how much and what ranges these will be covered. Will the cheap range be previous sculpts just painted less well as why make new sculpts and, if they are old sculpts then its simple to buy cheap repaint better and not buy the other levels. As CFM has said its very convoluted with many questions arising. already people are thinking of holding off purchases to see what happens with pricing and quality of these lower level figures.

Mitch ,

With the pic's I have posted...I recently purchased the DP german cavalry for $19 , the Hachette polish cavalry I bought about two years ago for about $40 or $45 off e-bay...The DP Romanian soldier cost around $13...
So , if you compare that to current K&C pricing of $45 foot & $79 horse , I would wager a guess & say K&C may price the lower level just above these prices...maybe $20 - $25 foot soldiers & $ 40 - $45 for horse ?!
Just a guess !

Well my friend James (Eazy) just wrote and said he wants one, so that's two of us already!^&grin Who else will get one of these??


Haha yeah I really want one but its gonna cost big time! I think we both have the desert one- it was about £100 with full crew. This'll be about 4 times that! {eek3}
A very helpful follow up explaining the current topic of the week. ! Will be interesting to see the figures released for the younger collector group. Nice looking 25 pounder set. {bravo}}
See what happens after you go to bed early.....you wake up to find something u-beaut like this 25pounder....superb comes to mind. At the Brisbane dinner last year Andy talked about this very item and there may be other options when it comes out.... will have to wait and see. Well done.....{bravo}}
See what happens after you go to bed early.....you wake up to find something u-beaut like this 25pounder....superb comes to mind. At the Brisbane dinner last year Andy talked about this very item and there may be other options when it comes out.... will have to wait and see. Well done.....{bravo}}

Evening/Morning Wayne!

(did you see your man Ricky took a blinding catch in the IPL today!)

We talked about this gun a few months back didn't we , I think Andy mentioned other versions x 2 . This looks superb doesn't it, think I'm going to build me a dio around this one mate.


I know it never will happen, but I'ld love a fourth approach: Unpainted figures! For the collectors who also enjoy painting their own K&C figures.

I would go for that. It would be the best way forward and that should apply to AFV's and aircraft.
I know it never will happen, but I'ld love a fourth approach: Unpainted figures! For the collectors who also enjoy painting their own K&C figures.


I would be ok with this approach. I would love to paint/airbrush and not have to worry did I ruin this set?! Would be interesting to see what people come up with when given the freedom to create their own paint style/scheme.
See what happens after you go to bed early.....you wake up to find something u-beaut like this 25pounder....superb comes to mind. At the Brisbane dinner last year Andy talked about this very item and there may be other options when it comes out.... will have to wait and see. Well done.....{bravo}}

Wayne mate,
I like you retired early last night and missed the action. I also remember and I have on tape that Andy mentioned other options at the Brisbane Dinner. He also mentioned this option on his visit to Canberra in 2009. I think he liked the bare chested bronzed Aussies. I think also that could be Obee in the gunner layer's seat.^&grin^&grin


Well I will be buttered on both sides. How did this picture of Andy, Helen and the Mighty Centurion get into this post??????????^&grin^&grin


We live in hope, Cheers Howard
Wayne mate,
I like you retired early last night and missed the action. I also remember and I have on tape that Andy mentioned other options at the Brisbane Dinner. He also mentioned this option on his visit to Canberra in 2009. I think he liked the bare chested bronzed Aussies. I think also that could be Obee in the gunner layer's seat.^&grin^&grin

Well I will be buttered on both sides. How did this picture of Andy, Helen and the Mighty Centurion get into this post??????????^&grin^&grin

We live in hope, Cheers Howard

Gee Howard, i wonder if Andy was aware you want a Centurion made! :wink2:{sm4}

Nice pic's and a EA 25 pounder with Aussie crew (although i wouldn't mind a Brit crew either) and tractor and limber would be a very welcome release down the track.

Wayne mate,
I like you retired early last night and missed the action. I also remember and I have on tape that Andy mentioned other options at the Brisbane Dinner. He also mentioned this option on his visit to Canberra in 2009. I think he liked the bare chested bronzed Aussies. I think also that could be Obee in the gunner layer's seat.^&grin^&grin

View attachment 124441
View attachment 124440

Well I will be buttered on both sides. How did this picture of Andy, Helen and the Mighty Centurion get into this post??????????^&grin^&grin

View attachment 124442

We live in hope, Cheers Howard

Great Pics Howard, Thanks for Posting :salute:: :salute:: :salute::
Gee Howard, i wonder if Andy was aware you want a Centurion made! :wink2:{sm4}

Nice pic's and a EA 25 pounder with Aussie crew (although i wouldn't mind a Brit crew either) and tractor and limber would be a very welcome release down the track.


Maybe we can get two to three different sets of crew poses instead. It will be nice. We already have tanks this way. The guns need not be different. Gun emplacement lined up and bare chested crew sweating, loading and firing in desert is what I fondly remember the 25 pounder for in most of the archive footage.

Btw, any photos to show differences between Aussie and British gun crew?
I admit I am still confused about the new direction: does it mean that the same sculpt (for example British gunner) would be available in at least two painting levels? If not, and I answer the title question with "P" please, do I luck out if the gunner is only offered in standard level painting? Further, will the vehicles and equipment also be offered in "P" style to match the higher quality painting of the figures? Lastly, if we are getting more "Russian" style painting - are we getting a more "Russian" style sculpting as well over time?

I think we are looking at some very exciting developments.
Maybe we can get two to three different sets of crew poses instead. It will be nice. We already have tanks this way. The guns need not be different. Gun emplacement lined up and bare chested crew sweating, loading and firing in desert is what I fondly remember the 25 pounder for in most of the archive footage.

Btw, any photos to show differences between Aussie and British gun crew?

Yes, several different crews would be a good idea although the markings would have to be changed on the gun and vehicle for an Aussie regiment or Brit regiment etc.

Here are some pic's showing the difference between an Aussie and Brit 25 pounder crew. The first pic is a 25 pounder from the 2/8th Australian Field Regiment, el-Alamein, July 1942. The second is a 25 pounder from the 153rd British (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment during a practice shoot near Tripoli, June 1943.



  • Aussie 25 pounder & Crew.jpg
    Aussie 25 pounder & Crew.jpg
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  • 25_pounder_field_gun_of_153rd_Field_Regiment_07-06-1943.jpg
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Going by the truck paint job I would say that it painted for the Battle of France or Battle of Normandy so more likely be British , Candian or Polish manning the gun don't you ^&confuse
Thanks Tom for the pics.

The first pic seems to be what I regularly see from my Airfix/Tamiya days. What type of difference will a battery of guns line up side by side have, e.g. Is there a number on the gun? Now that we have tanks with different numbers, actually it can be quite a pain (P) if there are some releases of guns of different numbers are at 100pcs each. My brain will go viral. My take is that I sense batteries of 25 pounders seem to be spaced closer together than say the 88s. So, this can make nice diorama possibilities.

Lol, the "P" letter is being over used all over.


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