Well, I must say that was great fun. Amazing the technology that
has evolved to bring the event worldwide in high definition. I did
stay up to watch just so I could "be there." Well, with a five second
delay. Being able to download the Official Program to follow along
was nice.
If nothing else it gave more meaning to my Stadden 90mm collection.
Darn, I wish Chas. Stadden was still around to do a few figures to
celebrate the event.
I did doze a couple of times (thanks for the replay button), but I
seemed to have missed this:
At 1330 a flypast will take place over Buckingham Palace. This will consist of the Battle of Britain
Memorial Flight‘s Lancaster, a Spitfire and a Hurricane; followed 30 seconds later by two Typhoons
and two Tornado GR4s in box formation.
You would think with 8,000 news people they would have caught the flypast. Still
a great party across the miles. The British outdid themselves. Reminiscing about
places that "I was there" a few years back was nice. Westminster Abbey looked
like it had been cleaned (sandblasted??) since I was last there. Maybe it was just
the beautiful Spring day.