2013 what you hope to see (2 Viewers)

Great call! FL's Vietnam range is already incredible, adding some Marines armed with M-14's would only make it better. And you are right Stryker2, that was, and still is, an outstanding rifle.

Thanks Panzer ace, carried one for 4 years, incredible accuracy and dependability. They should still be standard issue!
Thanks Panzer ace, carried one for 4 years, incredible accuracy and dependability. They should still be standard issue!

I totally agree . . . . the M-14 was a very fine weapon and incredibly accurate as you have stated. I can still remember the day when I had to turn mine in in exchange for an M-16 . . . Not a fair exchange in my opinion . . . . Semper Fi
:smile2: Mike
I totally agree . . . . the M-14 was a very fine weapon and incredibly accurate as you have stated. I can still remember the day when I had to turn mine in in exchange for an M-16 . . . Not a fair exchange in my opinion . . . . Semper Fi
:smile2: Mike

I and WE, had the very same reaction to the MATTEL SPECIAL. Semper Fi to you too Mestell!!
I totally agree . . . . the M-14 was a very fine weapon and incredibly accurate as you have stated. I can still remember the day when I had to turn mine in in exchange for an M-16 . . . Not a fair exchange in my opinion . . . . Semper Fi
:smile2: Mike

I have had the pleasure of shooting one at the range. I am seriously thinking about getting one. If FL does do the Marines with M14's I will finally have the excuse I need to buy one.
I have had the pleasure of shooting one at the range. I am seriously thinking about getting one. If FL does do the Marines with M14's I will finally have the excuse I need to buy one.

GO FOR IT Panzer ace, I have two of them, both match rifles and they are superb shooters!!!......Stryker
On my end I only collect Naps so I am dreaming of some Horse Grenadiers and Mamelukes in full charge mode! :)
A sub-range as part of the Seven Years War range: the FIW:wink2:... Just imagine some FL made Woodland Indians...:wink2:

I am surprised FL has not yet done an seperate or Mounted Bonaparte Fig. Would be nice to see
a Mounted Naploleon on his legendary Marengo Horse.


Neil ^&cool
One more thing Mr.Legion you are Lacking in your DAK. Let's get busy on a Rommel set and some Opposition!!! (vacation time is over), let's get rolling.

Neil :salute::
hi Guys ,
Great thread some really well thought out ideas {bravo}} .

Napoleonic : Prussians of all kinds as well as Austrian Line of the german sort I really need them to go wth my Hungarian Hahn Grenadier Battalion . Also more Cav
Stalingrad : Something from Jagdgeschwader 3 , I don't collect planes but would like to see what First Legion could do with the topic
Western Front : Just whats coming and more of em :wink2:
Romans : Mounted figures both Germanic and Roman
7YW : Just whats in the workbench will keep me busy all of 2013 :redface2:
Renaissance : Same as above .

Really looking forward to watching the upcoming Battle of Agincourt , I can't collect it but I can enjoy it from afar .

As for New lines :
Franco - Prussian & WWI would both have me looking for more money and space ^&grin . Regards Gebhard
Matt has done such a Great job with his Crusaders and Rome Line,that I hope he continues back a little further in time with some more Anceint lines such as Alexander and his Macedonians,Persains,Greeks ,Trojan War even Egyptains and Hittites.
Matt has done such a Great job with his Crusaders and Rome Line,that I hope he continues back a little further in time with some more Anceint lines such as Alexander and his Macedonians,Persains,Greeks ,Trojan War even Egyptains and Hittites.

You know they would be outstanding if he did decide to do any of these.
A sub-range as part of the Seven Years War range: the FIW:wink2:... Just imagine some FL made Woodland Indians...:wink2:


Paulo, between the AWI range and the Seven Years War, there has to be some native warriors. I can't imagine Matt would pass up the opportunity to do some Indians at some point.

One real easy release for the AWI range would be a repaint of the SVW Prussians. A couple color changes on the uniform and different pattern on the flags and presto, we have an AWI Hessian regiment!

Paulo, between the AWI range and the Seven Years War, there has to be some native warriors. I can't imagine Matt would pass up the opportunity to do some Indians at some point.


I too would love to see FIW!!
Paulo, between the AWI range and the Seven Years War, there has to be some native warriors. I can't imagine Matt would pass up the opportunity to do some Indians at some point.


I've given up on FIW by FL.
I've given up on FIW by FL.

Mark ,
Never give up , I have been bugging Matt since 2008 for a Blücher figure ^&grin^&grin and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel . I don't know how many new lines will be introduced next year but just keep putting in your request when a chance comes up . Bill also ask hundreds of times for the 95th Rifles now we have em and if my memory is correct Sammy has been asking for Western front figures since he bought his first FL figure or even before and now we have them as well , keep fighting the good fight you just never know :wink2: . And when they make em you can say its all your doing ^&grin that's what I do .. LOL Regards Gebhard
GO FOR IT Panzer ace, I have two of them, both match rifles and they are superb shooters!!!......Stryker

Wife gave thumbs up to the M14 (might go EBR, but not sure yet) and she gave thumbs up to a few more FL pieces so long as I make room for them!
More figures for the Battle of Quatre Bras where the 8th Cuirassiers captured the color of the 69th of Foot from the arms of Ensign Clarke who have been hacked down by 23 saber cuts. This is respresented by a heavy cavalry charged by the 8th Cuirassier Brigade on the British 69th Foot square formation. :):)

Chasseur A Cheval will be a show stopper:cool:

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