2016? (1 Viewer)

Don't you mean FL and WB are 1/30 scale and your "other" figures are bigger than 1/30 scale :wink2:

No I don't Neil. The figures in my collection are true 1/30 scale figures being based on Waffen SS soldiers that were much taller than your 'Untermensch', which is German for really small men, or something like that :wink2:
No I don't Neil. The figures in my collection are true 1/30 scale figures being based on Waffen SS soldiers that were much taller than your 'Untermensch', which is German for really small men, or something like that :wink2:

{sm3} :salute:: {sm3} :salute:: {sm3}
No I don't Neil. The figures in my collection are true 1/30 scale figures being based on Waffen SS soldiers that were much taller than your 'Untermensch', which is German for really small men, or something like that :wink2:
that must mean your a Untermensch person then going by the photo posted on here of you {eek3}:wink2:^&grin{sm4}
Untermenschen has nothing to to with size but is a term the Nazis used to refer as someone being inferior as unter means below and mensch means human, hence subhuman.
Now I got it !!! Figarti is W.Britains in disguise ! {sm3}


Maybe W. Britains has cut a deal with the new owners of Figarti to private label Armor and Artillery in 1/30 scale. The combination of the two capabilities would give both First Legion and K&C serious competition. The best Armor, Artillery and Figures in true 1/30 scale and the prices would not be outragious, whats not to like. I hope Ken Osen is thinking along these lines. I bet a crowdfunding program among WW II Toy Soldier collectors could kickstart such a natural combination.
Maybe W. Britains has cut a deal with the new owners of Figarti to private label Armor and Artillery in 1/30 scale. The combination of the two capabilities would give both First Legion and K&C serious competition. The best Armor, Artillery and Figures in true 1/30 scale and the prices would not be outragious, whats not to like. I hope Ken Osen is thinking along these lines. I bet a crowdfunding program among WW II Toy Soldier collectors could kickstart such a natural combination.

Katana, I think that would be an interesting Venture for 2 Toy Soldier companies to combine. Figarti made Great Vehicles and planes,
but their figures....especially in the early stages left much to be desired. Just a thought !

It's an interesting idea but not one that will ever happen. It's an idea that collectors like to conjure up but it makes no business sense for either side.
It's an interesting idea but not one that will ever happen. It's an idea that collectors like to conjure up but it makes no business sense for either side.

Brad; think of what is left of Figarti becoming a captive subcontractor to W. Britains; both benifit from the arrangement. Figarti has expertise in polystone Armor and Artillery that could be of value to W. Britains and the rump company needs investment or it will be selling repaints on TaoBao untl they sink.

I can think of many companys in electronics where similar arangements are SOP. I am sure you can too. Explain to me and Wayne why it could not work.
Britains is now independent and must generate income; they can no longer rely on a corporate parent. They have gotten back into the WW II market because it's a lucrative one, part of which includes AFVs. Britains probably wants to take advantage of that part of the market. Moreover, Figarti's future is uncertain. Too much risk to get into bed with them. In addition, can you imagine what WB's investors/lenders might say if they gave up part of that market?
Britains is now independent and must generate income; they can no longer rely on a corporate parent. They have gotten back into the WW II market because it's a lucrative one, part of which includes AFVs. Britains probably wants to take advantage of that part of the market. Moreover, Figarti's future is uncertain. Too much risk to get into bed with them. In addition, can you imagine what WB's investors/lenders might say if they gave up part of that market?

I would take the subcontractor approach if the investors objected to a joint venture. Negotiate quantity buys of Armor to W. Britains specifications, ditto the Artillery. I am sure a good contract could protect and incentivise both parties. Besides why reinvent the wheel.
britexits all over the place and now you guys want Britarti a combination of Britain's and Figarti. My head is spinning.

I think both companies will do fine for themselves in the future. What Britain's desperately needs to do is sort out what seems a debacle in release schedules. They are like Microsoft... it will be ready in June.. no July... No December... look when were good and ready!

They need quickly to address their schedules because its all well and good releasing very attractive sets if nobody knows when they will ever hit the market. It causes uncertainty and does not allow collectors any possibility of planning their purchases.

I do not want every month that is ridiculous but, at least certain dates we know they will release items even two or three times per year or however many.

That for me is the only Achilles heel Britain's has.

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