Sure is. We finally score 2 and uBADo gives them right back. Grrrr! -- AlMy turn Al........6-0 already only in the 4th, unreal.......I feel like I've been transported back to the late 90's in the glory of the 14 year losing streak!!! It's not are we going to lose but by how many runs...this is just disgusting.
Fun with numbers: The O's are now 31-31 on the season. They are 21-10 at home, an outstanding win percentage. They are 10-21 on the road, a terrible winning percentage. How can a team be so Jekyll and Hyde? Even a .500 record on the road would put them in 2nd place, only 2.5 games back. Hard to figure out. -- Al
Nail on head for both Nats and O's. -- AlI looked at the bullpen stats and, yes, the Nats are in the bottom but so are the Twins; the Twins are the worst. The Mets aren't much better but I'd expect that for a losing team. Many have wondered about the Yankees' pitching but their pitching -- starting and relieving -- is among the best. Overall the Nats pitching is 10th, which shows how good the starting pitching has been. The Orioles have the 19th best pen but overall they are 26th, a testament to the quality of the starting pitching.
Yasiel Puig decided to pull a Mr Met last night and received a one game suspension for his efforts.
We will talk to Mrs Met Al ^&grin
I think this is a big series for both teams. Mets would like to take 3 out of 4. It would put them 6 back but give them some momentum for the West Coast trip. They need to start winning consistently to have any chance of thinking about October.
Nats obviously want to right the ship and get some Ws. In the process, they could probably finish the Mets off if they could take 3 out of 4. However, I have to think they'd be happy with a split too.
Should be a fun series.
Ahhhh..back in the AL East cellar, seems like old times are back at Camden Yards, well let's hope this is not the start of a new 14 year trend, but the way things sit right now I wouldn't be surprised.
Adios boys? Come on, George, the Sawks are in 2nd place, only 2 games out, and it's only mid-June. There is all sorts of time for the AL East race to flip-flop about 2 dozen times. I know that the grit of the Sawks fan won't let you ignore the race, as it is ingrained in you all, just like you can't give up on the Celtics, Bruins, or Patriots (even if the Pats actually lose a game here or there), so no adios until the Fat Lady sings, and it is just as likely that the Fat Lady will be singing in Boston as in NY, or even in Baltimore, should a miracle occur. Yaz and Nomar will have it no other way.:wink2:^&grin -- AlMisery loves company Sammy; tonight the ace of the Red Sox pitched a gem of a game, allowing a whopping one run, but his teammates scored zero against the one of the worst tomato cans in the National League and they lost to the Washington Generals of MLB, 1-0.
Were it not for two late inning heroics at Fenway they would have lost 3 of 4 to this absolute tire fire of a team in the Phillies.
This team is going absolutely nowhere this year; as I've said in the past, we in the AL East are looking down the barrel of another one of those 5 to 7 year runs from the MFYs where they win the division every year and win three or four WS titles.
I'll be signing off on baseball for the foreseeable future as a result of that looming on the horizon...................adios boys.