A Question of taste… A Matter of Opinion (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

In another section of the Forum some members are debating, once again, “Who rules what, where and why”… Here’s my tuppence worth… from both a collecting and manufacturing standpoint. I collect and admire a modestly wide range of figures, vehicles, accessories and aircraft from a broad spectrum of companies and individuals. Among my favourites are Britains… Tradition… John Jenkins and Honour Bound… to name but a few! I also have a fair selection of K&C as you might imagine.

All of these companies (and many others) produce excellent work in their own inimitable and unique styles. No two are the same and that’s one of the reasons I like to collect them. Each goes about its business in its own original fashion and according to its own personal ways and means.

Simultaneously, as a former art student (Glasgow School of Art 1967-71) I love paintings and painters. Among my favourites are the Dutch “Old Master” Jan Vermeer… The French Impressionists Monet and Manet… The American Realist Andrew Wyeth and the modern British artist David Hockney… A reasonably catholic collection of painting styles and painters you will, I hope, agree. All of these artists have uniquely different styles and techniques that appeal to a very wide selection of “art lovers” and enthusiasts.

Now, that brings me neatly to Toy Soldiers… Military Miniatures or whatever you like to call them.

I believe, rightly or wrongly, that what we do is more of an art than a science… that means that we think and act more like artists than technicians or scientists. Each manufacturer has her or his own personal vision of the kind of figure we make and the style we like to produce it in. Of course it naturally follows that not every collector will share that “vision” or like what we produce… C’est la vie… c’est la guerre! All of us have our favourites and that’s fine by me.

What is sad is when a few like to profess that any company “rules” the hobby or the business. Neither K&C or anyone else “rules” anything we all do what we do and hope that a few hundred collectors around the world will actually like what we do and buy it and allow us to stay in business for another week or two… I am delighted that this hobby continues to attract new competitors and fresh blood on a regular basis… even in these perilous times!

So, guys as others have politely suggested enjoy what you enjoy… collect what you collect but please don’t go out of your way to start a fight in an empty room!

Best wishes and happy collecting whatever that may be…
Andy C.
Makes sense to me Andy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I cant believe that a million Treefroggers didn't respond to your comments by now. I am kind of afraid to comment on your statement for fear that I will be struck down for not being a loyal follower, but here I am. {sm4}

I think your statement is down to earth and well stated. Alex
REALLY good post Andy thank you and hope everyone takes your advice at least through the Holidays.BY the way Andy may i wish you your family and employees A happy and healthy Holiday season.Mike Bowen.^&grin
Dear Andy:

Very splendiid comments about the toy soldier or Military, etc. miniatures hobby relative to both collectors and manufacturers.

Best regards, "Iron Brigade" / Gary
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thanks for posting your thoughts again, its great to hear from you personally.

I really like you comparison about paintings and toy soldiers, both depict different subjects and done by different artists and like everything 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and that refects in the sales for the artists or makers.

With K&C, I like what I see (Napoleonics) and thats what I buy from your vast array, so keep up the good work.


Thanks for posting Andy, always good to hear your views. Very well said.

Seasons greeting my friend, all the best

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Hi Guys,

In another section of the Forum some members are debating, once again, “Who rules what, where and why”… Here’s my tuppence worth… from both a collecting and manufacturing standpoint. I collect and admire a modestly wide range of figures, vehicles, accessories and aircraft from a broad spectrum of companies and individuals. Among my favourites are Britains… Tradition… John Jenkins and Honour Bound… to name but a few! I also have a fair selection of K&C as you might imagine.

All of these companies (and many others) produce excellent work in their own inimitable and unique styles. No two are the same and that’s one of the reasons I like to collect them. Each goes about its business in its own original fashion and according to its own personal ways and means.

Simultaneously, as a former art student (Glasgow School of Art 1967-71) I love paintings and painters. Among my favourites are the Dutch “Old Master” Jan Vermeer… The French Impressionists Monet and Manet… The American Realist Andrew Wyeth and the modern British artist David Hockney… A reasonably catholic collection of painting styles and painters you will, I hope, agree. All of these artists have uniquely different styles and techniques that appeal to a very wide selection of “art lovers” and enthusiasts.

Now, that brings me neatly to Toy Soldiers… Military Miniatures or whatever you like to call them.

I believe, rightly or wrongly, that what we do is more of an art than a science… that means that we think and act more like artists than technicians or scientists. Each manufacturer has her or his own personal vision of the kind of figure we make and the style we like to produce it in. Of course it naturally follows that not every collector will share that “vision” or like what we produce… C’est la vie… c’est la guerre! All of us have our favourites and that’s fine by me.

What is sad is when a few like to profess that any company “rules” the hobby or the business. Neither K&C or anyone else “rules” anything we all do what we do and hope that a few hundred collectors around the world will actually like what we do and buy it and allow us to stay in business for another week or two… I am delighted that this hobby continues to attract new competitors and fresh blood on a regular basis… even in these perilous times!

So, guys as others have politely suggested enjoy what you enjoy… collect what you collect but please don’t go out of your way to start a fight in an empty room!

Best wishes and happy collecting whatever that may be…
Andy C.
Im lost..........................:D

I like your explanation that not all that flows from a given artistic vision will be followed by every individual, and therefore nothing "rules" other than perhaps variety. Very aptly stated indeed. Always nice to hear your thoughts; your involvement here is greatly appreciated.

I agree 100% with what you wrote.But for me personally, historical correctness also plays an important role in my purchase behaviour.
If this item is not present in a figure or a vehicle,AFV or tank, I do not buy, but then I am a kind of TS purist.Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hi Guys,

In another section of the Forum some members are debating, once again, “Who rules what, where and why”… Here’s my tuppence worth… from both a collecting and manufacturing standpoint. I collect and admire a modestly wide range of figures, vehicles, accessories and aircraft from a broad spectrum of companies and individuals. Among my favourites are Britains… Tradition… John Jenkins and Honour Bound… to name but a few! I also have a fair selection of K&C as you might imagine.

All of these companies (and many others) produce excellent work in their own inimitable and unique styles. No two are the same and that’s one of the reasons I like to collect them. Each goes about its business in its own original fashion and according to its own personal ways and means.

Simultaneously, as a former art student (Glasgow School of Art 1967-71) I love paintings and painters. Among my favourites are the Dutch “Old Master” Jan Vermeer… The French Impressionists Monet and Manet… The American Realist Andrew Wyeth and the modern British artist David Hockney… A reasonably catholic collection of painting styles and painters you will, I hope, agree. All of these artists have uniquely different styles and techniques that appeal to a very wide selection of “art lovers” and enthusiasts.

Now, that brings me neatly to Toy Soldiers… Military Miniatures or whatever you like to call them.

I believe, rightly or wrongly, that what we do is more of an art than a science… that means that we think and act more like artists than technicians or scientists. Each manufacturer has her or his own personal vision of the kind of figure we make and the style we like to produce it in. Of course it naturally follows that not every collector will share that “vision” or like what we produce… C’est la vie… c’est la guerre! All of us have our favourites and that’s fine by me.

What is sad is when a few like to profess that any company “rules” the hobby or the business. Neither K&C or anyone else “rules” anything we all do what we do and hope that a few hundred collectors around the world will actually like what we do and buy it and allow us to stay in business for another week or two… I am delighted that this hobby continues to attract new competitors and fresh blood on a regular basis… even in these perilous times!

So, guys as others have politely suggested enjoy what you enjoy… collect what you collect but please don’t go out of your way to start a fight in an empty room!

Best wishes and happy collecting whatever that may be…
Andy C.

Great thoughts, couldn't agree more and I like the comparison with different painters different styles.


Great comments - However, if you want to explore and create GREAT TOY SOLDIER ART - you should bring out some .....


^&grin {sm4} ^&grin {sm4}

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!
Inspirational thoughts and words of wisdom shared by a fellow art appreciator; notwithstanding opinions versus facts, non sequitur whimsical collectors. Keep doing what you do; producing masterful pieces of uncompromising quality, bar none. Thus, I will continue doing what I do, snapping up the aforementioned bountiful representations every opportunity I get! Happy Holidays, Andy. Ollie_D.
I must agree also. Very good sentiments. I also think we are in the "Golden Age" of the hobby. There is such a wealth of periods and subjects covered, in many scales, 25mm, 40mm, 54mm, it is a great time to enjoy what we have!! I never thought I would see some of the figures/vehicles/ships, etc, that have been released in the last 5 years or so. Something for everyone!


Great comments - However, if you want to explore and create GREAT TOY SOLDIER ART - you should bring out some .....


^&grin {sm4} ^&grin {sm4}

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!

Dare I say it? SEMINOLES RULE!
What more can I say......well said Andy....from the "land of the long white cloud".... hope you and your family have a magic Xmas & New Year:)
Cheers Toddy

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