AK39 The Tunisian Tiger (1 Viewer)

Why don't we turn things around
Imagine if K and C limited this to 300 sets and charged 350 dollars a piece. Could you imagine the outcry then.
Why don't we turn things around
Imagine if K and C limited this to 300 sets and charged 350 dollars a piece. Could you imagine the outcry then.

they would be up on ebay for 700 within a week
Why don't we turn things around
Imagine if K and C limited this to 300 sets and charged 350 dollars a piece. Could you imagine the outcry then.

Ah man!!! You had to go there didn't you :p Don't give out those dangerous ideas!!
Louis, I agree with you entirely and have placed an order for this set. The pics of it indicate it is as good as any tank Honour Bound has produced and K & C figures are better, as usual. I just hope the figures are 1/30 and not 1/32 ;) :D

Chris, I also agree with your post on the subject and I have not bought sets purely for an investment opportunity. However the Afrika Korps is one of my main collecting themes so this is an ideal set for me. That said if Honour Bound bring out a Wittman Tiger I think I may be threatened with some sort of contract by my wife. I went to a swap meet in Brisbane today, kissed the wife goodbye and said "I'll sell more than I buy this time dear." And guess what, she said the same thing your wife said to you......"bull****" :)

Btw, I have mentioned once or twice (but I think I got away with it) that some K & C tanks are smaller than what they should be, so I sorta felt obliged to kick the tin for this set.

Agree with these comments, the Tiger looks awesome, will have to find something else to argue on. And somewhere else for a British reply?

Anyone who knows Andy understands that the competition have a fight - the rise in quality across the board over just the past few years I have been collecting is astonishing.

After the HB vehicles comes Figarti - their E boat created the same comment from me and several collectors!

'Want it', 'it is £800 pounds' (albeit delivered to your door), 'where would I put it'.

Apart from minor issues like that, I am asking the missus how much she likes boats, it was absolutely brilliant!!!! The chicago show pics did not do it justice. Also, mentioned elsewhere, the figarti LRDG, planes (note included a british marked coastal command B17 - thanks Rick :) - we really do appreciate it this side of the pond) and their buildings are excellent and very competitively priced. Vive le hobby!

I was also very impressed with the new ww1 Britains as I walked past, thank goodness I came in too late for 54mm.

I had a few words with Andy, he was more forthcoming than I have ever heard him - without actually spelling things out - but 2008 looks very tasty. All I need now is a bank balance.:D I would tell you but a promise is a promise and then I would have to shoot you anyway.

My final whiff of grapeshot though, is that I have no chance of keeping up with even just KC ww2 with all the extra lines and releases. I want the charge but haven't got that yet (Mike, if you read this via Tony or Bob, do save me one, I will buy it honest! - it is fantastic).

I am certainly not complaining, but, if you don't buy everything you become more selective, so as the volume and quality rises so does the attitude of the collector change? :confused:, which may include brand loyalty to some degree, when you can't collect it all - it feels like I might think of a different sort of collecting:). Have I had too much tea or do you understand what I'm getting at?:eek:
I don't think it's tea you're imbibing:D This is more like a stream of consciousness post, no offense :)

I probably should be, just for the heck of it.

You raise an interesting point about brand loyalty. Before Andy started pushing out product in mega quantities, you could afford to dabble in a variety of products: K & C, HB, Figarti and NMA.

However, with the rate of K & C product coming out (and I'm primarily a K & C collector) and the relative state of finances, the amount I spend on a non K & C product is that much less I can spend on K & C, which is what I don't want to do. Therefore, the non K & C product loses. I think this is a deliberate strategy on the part of K & C. I don't blame him for doing this. It makes good business sense.

I probably should be, just for the heck of it.

You raise an interesting point about brand loyalty. Before Andy started pushing out product in mega quantities, you could afford to dabble in a variety of products: K & C, HB, Figarti and NMA.

However, with the rate of K & C product coming out (and I'm primarily a K & C collector) and the relative state of finances, the amount I spend on a non K & C product is that much less I can spend on K & C, which is what I don't want to do. Therefore, the non K & C product loses. I think this is a deliberate strategy on the part of K & C. I don't blame him for doing this. It makes good business sense.

It's the same with me Brad.
I have no idea how I can possibly keep the Bank Manager happy......Far less the Real Boss......eeeek.....That's her on the phone again...!!! I'm doomed. Doomed I tell you.....!!!
I will be receiving my Tiger any day now. I must comment on the figures included with it. As compared to the Winter Tiger they are boring. They don't present a story and I feel cheated because of it.
I will be receiving my Tiger any day now. I must comment on the figures included with it. As compared to the Winter Tiger they are boring. They don't present a story and I feel cheated because of it.

I agree i would much rather have an action scenes but all of the SL are filled with Lolligagers so i have to spend much more on a piece because of figures I could easily do with out.
Agree with these comments, the Tiger looks awesome, will have to find something else to argue on. And somewhere else for a British reply?

I am certainly not complaining, but, if you don't buy everything you become more selective, so as the volume and quality rises so does the attitude of the collector change? :confused:, which may include brand loyalty to some degree, when you can't collect it all - it feels like I might think of a different sort of collecting:). Have I had too much tea or do you understand what I'm getting at?:eek:

Hi Kevin, I never arguement about anything, but I do enjoy a lively discussion between friends ;) :D

But (for now :) ) I have to agree with your statement about being more selective when exposed to an ever expanding choice of collectables. When you have more choices that are becoming more expensive I don't think you have much choice.

Btw, did you know Australia now has a new Prime Minister - also called Kevin (Rudd)?
Hi Kevin, I never arguement about anything, but I do enjoy a lively discussion between friends ;) :D

But (for now :) ) I have to agree with your statement about being more selective when exposed to an ever expanding choice of collectables. When you have more choices that are becoming more expensive I don't think you have much choice.

Btw, did you know Australia now has a new Prime Minister - also called Kevin (Rudd)?

Does he come from your neck of the woods. I thought I saw something about Queensland on the BBC
Does he come from your neck of the woods. I thought I saw something about Queensland on the BBC

He's not only from Queensland, he's a local boy ;) Which reminds me of a line from "Life of Brian", c'mon you remember the one :)
Louis, I agree with you entirely and have placed an order for this set. The pics of it indicate it is as good as any tank Honour Bound has produced and K & C figures are better, as usual. I just hope the figures are 1/30 and not 1/32 ;) :D

Chris, I also agree with your post on the subject and I have not bought sets purely for an investment opportunity. However the Afrika Korps is one of my main collecting themes so this is an ideal set for me. That said if Honour Bound bring out a Wittman Tiger I think I may be threatened with some sort of contract by my wife. I went to a swap meet in Brisbane today, kissed the wife goodbye and said "I'll sell more than I buy this time dear." And guess what, she said the same thing your wife said to you......"bull****" :)

Btw, I have mentioned once or twice (but I think I got away with it) that some K & C tanks are smaller than what they should be, so I sorta felt obliged to kick the tin for this set.

I finally got around to picking this set up and couldn't see any major issues with it. I have several K & C AFV but this is the first of their tanks I have purchased and was pleased to note that the turret is a snug fit in the chassis unlike some of the earlier tanks I have checked out in shops.

Some members have commented on the guy with the water can (denoted by white cross) but it looks like a good figure to me and is well detailed. His ID tag is a bit LOUD but apparently the German tags were large and shiny.

The Tunisian Tiger figures match the sizes of the earlier AK figures in my collection except for the guy with the scarf holding an MP40 in right hand and map in the other. Maybe he's just a tall guy ;) Anyway the proportions look true to life so I've no concerns about any shrinking figures here.
We certainly are spoilt for Tigers right now,some great models about.I really like my AK version.Oz will you be investing in a HB version?.

Hi Kevin, I never arguement about anything, but I do enjoy a lively discussion between friends ;) :D

But (for now :) ) I have to agree with your statement about being more selective when exposed to an ever expanding choice of collectables. When you have more choices that are becoming more expensive I don't think you have much choice.

Btw, did you know Australia now has a new Prime Minister - also called Kevin (Rudd)?

Oz, interesting times ahead, in more ways than one..............
We certainly are spoilt for Tigers right now,some great models about.I really like my AK version.Oz will you be investing in a HB version?.


Hi Rob, the Wittman version with crew certainly is tempting me but I'd like to hear if Figarti are intending to bring out a 1/30 Tiger. It would be nice to have one of each, but with my oldest boy starting university this year the old hip pocket is taking a hiding. And my wife insists education comes before toys, some people just have no sense of value do they :)
Hi Rob, the Wittman version with crew certainly is tempting me but I'd like to hear if Figarti are intending to bring out a 1/30 Tiger. It would be nice to have one of each, but with my oldest boy starting university this year the old hip pocket is taking a hiding. And my wife insists education comes before toys, some people just have no sense of value do they :)


Valentines day just around the corner too,fancy spending money on chocs and flowers when there are perfectly good Tanks waiting to be purchased:eek:;):D!!!.(only joking guys she's worth every penny!)


Valentines day just around the corner too,fancy spending money on chocs and flowers when there are perfectly good Tanks waiting to be purchased:eek:;):D!!!.(only joking guys she's worth every penny!)


So, she's getting a tank then Rob?:rolleyes:;)

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