I had this great post and it got lost

It was a great conversation. I learned a few things about the process of toy soldier making. He really likes making stuff and he loves the feedback. Some people will never be happy(unless they are complaining though). I liked talking to him and the conversation went all over the road. There will be Immortals. It takes time to do this it does not happen over night. The Spartans have caused him to look at other plastic lines with new eyes. He did say that after this though, what comes next will most likely be more challenging to top. I believe he is very proud of the Spartan line.
The conversation went on for an hour and a half. Somethings were told in confidentiality. I will say this too He answers 100 to 125 calls a week. He is more likely to respond to constructive criticism if one is going to criticise.
In regards the move, He is still finding stuff that he did not know that he had or had been mismarked He has found things that he thought were sold out for more than a year in a box marked damaged empty boxes.
RC seemed to me to be a gentleman and I am glad to have made his acquaintance