American Civil War.... (1 Viewer)

Matt: Are the infantry depictions going to be transferable to say a Day 2 Devil's Den or Little Round Top depiction or usage for that matter Day 3 Pickett's Charge scenario? Or am I wrong and that separate sets of Rebel Infantry will be introduced in later releases? At any rate your initial salvo onto the ACW scene is terrific and you sharing your thoughts as you go is very generous and much appreciated. I hope the pace of the rollouts stays intact as at every turn I marvel at the depictions. This is exceptional work.

I think Mike has already covered this pretty well, but yes, the figures themselves will be extremely transferable to other units and we will also do other units as well. I'm not sure if you follow our Napoleonic ranges at all and our style of doing things, but as you can see from the first batch of ACW figures our style is to do an entire full release of a historic unit doing a particular activity and then to provide a lot of variety for that activity. So in this case, the unit is marching/advancing/deploying. The way we'll approach further releases is to maybe do a unit in firing line, a unit charging, perhaps a unit standing or at rest, etc... (even perhaps additional variants of marching, as we have about 10 others at least that we aren't even releasing right now!). However, what is very different about ACW as compared to Napoleonics is that the uniforms for the most part are very similar. Over time this will allow for a few things. First, it will allow customers the flexibility to pick and choose and combine figures from various different releases and put them together into a single unit or display. You can't really do this with Napoleonics as the uniforms are so very unique to each troop type. Next, and I'm really looking forward to this, is that once we get the core figure poses out and available, we can really have some fun with interesting vignette and other detail pieces that could be added to most any unit and will really enhance displays. So while we'll release by unit and pose type, in the end, the goal would be to create an overall palette of available figures and poses and then let you all, the collectors, pick and choose what you want to represent on your miniature battlefields. A small example of this is that with each release, we'll probably add at least another dead and another wounded figure. Over four different releases, the collector would now have a library of 4 dead and 4 wounded figures to choose from to color and enhance any display of just one of the releases.

All of this will take time of course (many years) but the result should be an extremely broad catalog with just about anything and everything so that a collector could represent anything from Pickett's Charge, to the Wheatfield or Peach Orchard, to little Round Top, to Barlow's Knoll, to Culp's Hill, and, of course, the Day 1 action around McPherson's Ridge and Seminary Ridge. And, of course, there is nothing to stop anyone from using the figures for other battles as well. Starting a range like this is a very long term endeavor for both us and collectors, but as our customers can certainly attest to, when we start something, we stick with it and stick with it and the releases will come very regularly. I think what we've done with Borodino, Waterloo, and Stalingrad are examples of how this range will shape up.

Hope this helps.


First Legion Ltd
Aren't these figures just fabulous? As long as the figures produced are in generic sack coats, Richmond Depot jackets, or even imported Tait jackets from Ireland I wouldn't hesitate to use these figures on any scene during the three day battle. If you are concerned about historical accuracy for a particular group's battle participation then you might have to pay closer attention to uniform detail, for example NC troops in specific state issued jackets. Georgia also issued state jackets. Weapons could be a personal issue for the collector also. For example, you wouldn't want to use a figure carrying an 1841 "Mississippi" rifle with a sword bayonet attached to it in a grouping of figures representing a Virginia regiment - they would have been carrying Richmond Arsenal, Springfields, and Enfields. The one FL figure shown carrying a Mississippi rifle with a sword bayonet attached to it is correct for this first offering because they are supposed to be troops from the 55th NC which was brigaded with 3 Mississippi regiments. This particular brigade would have been using the Mississippi rifle amonst them. All in all I really don't think this (proper uniforms/weapons) will be an issue with most collectors unless they are real "hair splitters" and a bit OCD ;):rolleyes:
:) Mike

Man you guys know your uniforms and weapons don't you.:)
Thanks Matt...This line is taking on a life of its own already. Just remember when you get into the 8th inning of this endeavour that us Confederate Cavalry afficianados really want and desire the classic example of Rebels much as they appeared jaded and exhausted from the previous month's mounted effort that started at Brandy Station and continued to Aldie,Upperville and Middleburg and onto the Pennsylvania countryside, We want to get the true essence of the battle via your 54mm artistry into JEB Stuart's attempt to blast into the Federal rear only to be repulsed by the 1st,5th,6th and 7th Michigan Cavalry under George Custer. You pull that off and you have a friend for life! My request is 8 to 12 troopers of Confederate riders on the attack at Rummel's Farm either mounted like the 1st Virginia Cavalry or dismounted in full regalia on that epic July 3, 1863. It is the battle that occured on the other side of Pickett's charge almost simultaneously. The splendor of man and horse at East Cavalry Field trying to turn the tide of the most epic battle in the history of North America. Keep up the good work! We can wait for the best for last.
I have to confess, I've been fighting the urge for a long time to start collecting ACW (a man's gotta know his limits-or toy soldier budget in this case), but it's one of my favorite reading topics and these new figs may just push me over the cliff and into a new line of soldiers. Oy !
They look great.
I think Mike has already covered this pretty well, but yes, the figures themselves will be extremely transferable to other units and we will also do other units as well. I'm not sure if you follow our Napoleonic ranges at all and our style of doing things, but as you can see from the first batch of ACW figures our style is to do an entire full release of a historic unit doing a particular activity and then to provide a lot of variety for that activity. So in this case, the unit is marching/advancing/deploying. The way we'll approach further releases is to maybe do a unit in firing line, a unit charging, perhaps a unit standing or at rest, etc... (even perhaps additional variants of marching, as we have about 10 others at least that we aren't even releasing right now!). However, what is very different about ACW as compared to Napoleonics is that the uniforms for the most part are very similar. Over time this will allow for a few things. First, it will allow customers the flexibility to pick and choose and combine figures from various different releases and put them together into a single unit or display. You can't really do this with Napoleonics as the uniforms are so very unique to each troop type. Next, and I'm really looking forward to this, is that once we get the core figure poses out and available, we can really have some fun with interesting vignette and other detail pieces that could be added to most any unit and will really enhance displays. So while we'll release by unit and pose type, in the end, the goal would be to create an overall palette of available figures and poses and then let you all, the collectors, pick and choose what you want to represent on your miniature battlefields. A small example of this is that with each release, we'll probably add at least another dead and another wounded figure. Over four different releases, the collector would now have a library of 4 dead and 4 wounded figures to choose from to color and enhance any display of just one of the releases.

All of this will take time of course (many years) but the result should be an extremely broad catalog with just about anything and everything so that a collector could represent anything from Pickett's Charge, to the Wheatfield or Peach Orchard, to little Round Top, to Barlow's Knoll, to Culp's Hill, and, of course, the Day 1 action around McPherson's Ridge and Seminary Ridge. And, of course, there is nothing to stop anyone from using the figures for other battles as well. Starting a range like this is a very long term endeavor for both us and collectors, but as our customers can certainly attest to, when we start something, we stick with it and stick with it and the releases will come very regularly. I think what we've done with Borodino, Waterloo, and Stalingrad are examples of how this range will shape up.

Hope this helps.


First Legion Ltd

This is written as though you've read my mind regarding how I want a TS range to develop and grow over time. Between First Legion's offerings and the continuing output from Britain's Civil War range I am now teetering on the brink of a primary focus on ACW for the forseeable future. Have I mentioned I am excited for these yet? :rolleyes:

I have been searching in vain until just a few moments ago for an image to illustrate what I am hoping to eventually build with Federal troops from FL and others. Kurt, I hope you don't mind my borrowing your photo. I have been looking for exactly this sort of image (from "Gettysburg"?) without any luck. It sounds like the vision for ACW at FL just may allow for such an undertaking. Okay, I'll stop now. :)



  • firing line.jpg
    firing line.jpg
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That would be something to see in toy soldier format wouldn't it?:)
I have been searching in vain until just a few moments ago for an image to illustrate what I am hoping to eventually build with Federal troops from FL and others. Kurt, I hope you don't mind my borrowing your photo. I have been looking for exactly this sort of image (from "Gettysburg"?) without any luck. It sounds like the vision for ACW at FL just may allow for such an undertaking. Okay, I'll stop now. :)


I have been building this very diorama for years now, although actually at the point when Armistead and followers have just pierced the Union line and hand-to-hand combat breaks out. It is a little hard to duplicate a packed firing line because of bases though. This was my inspiration to continue to ask manufacturers for the 69th PA flagbearers. The scene you depicted is one of my very favorites from the Gettysburg movie. It is so dramatic when all those riflemen rise up and let off the first volley at The Angle.
I have been building this very diorama for years now, although actually at the point when Armistead and followers have just pierced the Union line and hand-to-hand combat breaks out. It is a little hard to duplicate a packed firing line because of bases though. This was my inspiration to continue to ask manufacturers for the 69th PA flagbearers. The scene you depicted is one of my very favorites from the Gettysburg movie. It is so dramatic when all those riflemen rise up and let off the first volley at The Angle.

First let me again give credit to Kurt for providing this image on another thread. I believe it is a still from the scene you refer to in the film. And despite the fact I've seen it a dozen times, it has this very same effect on me each time. It sounds like you've put a lot of work into your set up so I hope we get to see it some day when it is done. Hopefully First Legion can help you finish it faster. And maybe they can also help by making some figures like these in the photo with smaller bases so they can be packed in more tightly. :)

Have pre-ordered the first 10 Rebels (UK delivery so I have been reliably informed) mid-September?

Watch this space for an explosive opening volley :D

Have pre-ordered the first 10 Rebels (UK delivery so I have been reliably informed) mid-September?

Watch this space for an explosive opening volley :D


I think you mean that you pre-ordered the pre-order ;) ..Really looking forward to your skills hitting the First Legion thread Reb.. All the best Gebhard
Yup the First 10 are up for Pre-order :) Just think if Matt wasn't still on moderated status we may have had an official announcement about the pre-order starting. I think maybe we should start a FREE MATT THREAD :D , lets get the chant started FREE MATT !! FREE MATT !! FREE MATT !! The figures look Great by the way :) .. Al the best Gebhard
Yup the First 10 are up for Pre-order :) Just think if Matt wasn't still on moderated status we may have had an official announcement about the pre-order starting. I think maybe we should start a FREE MATT THREAD :D , lets get the chant started FREE MATT !! FREE MATT !! FREE MATT !! The figures look Great by the way :) .. Al the best Gebhard

Still on moderated he is? Yeah, teh figures look great. My pre-order is in :)

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